I’d call that a successful first date – in fact I’d say it was close to perfection.
But I’m glad I brought matters to a close when I did. Had we gone to bed together, I know full-well what would have happened between us. I’m no fool. I know that the second we got underneath my soft, sensual bed sheets that my hands would have been all over Eddie’s soft, totally-fucking-squeezable body.
And from there… well, I think it’s pretty obvious what would have gone down.
Eddie’s got a shift at East Side Sugar tomorrow, and I’m glad that he’s at least going to get a few hours sleep before he has to be wide awake and getting his bake on.
As far as I’m concerned, this night still has some time to go in it.
And just like that, I look at my cell phone and see that my good friend Rico is thinking the same thing too…
RICO: Word. Time to hit Red Rum Bar. We’ve got this asshole Luca Conte to deal with. And I know that it’s going to be a hell of a lot easier to do that with a couple of drinks inside us.
NICO: For sure. See you there. Last one at the bar is buying.
With that, I watch Eddie close the entrance door to the building behind him. He’s a great boy. I just know he is. Call me an oldfashioned romantic, but this is special. There’s something going on between us that doesn’t come along very often.
In fact, the connection between me and Eddie is making me feel all kinds of things. This ain’t a passing crush or some kind of infatuation.
I might have a fearsome reputation in the crime world, but as far as Eddie goes he could live a hundred and fifty years and he wouldn’t see that side of me – well, unless it was part of a roleplay…
No, what I truly want to do is to get to know Eddie.
I want to discover everything about him and see exactly what he likes and doesn’t like.
I want to give him everything he needs to be the happiest baby boy in the whole of New York City.
But before I can do that, I need to haul ass over to Red Rum Bar.
If Rico arrives before me and I lose the forfeit, I just know he’ll be picking the most expensive vintage liquor they have on offer.
In fact, for all I know Rico might already be only a couple of blocks away.
Still, that sounds like a challenge – it’s time to put the metal to the floor and get this SUV roaring its way over to Red Rum Bar.
And when I triumphantly arrive first, business and pleasure will never have tasted so good.
‘You low-down, cheating-ass, dirty sonofabitch!’ I roar, pointing my finger squarely in the direction of a smirking Rico.
‘Hey, it’s not my fault you drive a tank and I drive a Ferrari,’ Rico laughs, shaking his head in disbelief as I attempt to protest. ‘Don’t be a sore loser and get the drinks in, brother.’
I don’t know whether Rico cheated or not.
If it was anyone else, I might continue to cry foul.
But this is Rico, my oldest friend and as close as any friend could be to family.
No, that’s wrong.
Rico and I may not share the same biology, but heismy brother.
‘You total asshole,’ I say, a big smile on my face as we embrace. ‘I’m assuming you want some vintage wine? Probably something dating back to before either one of us was born?’
Rico flashes me a look of his dark eyes with those striking green flecks of color in them.
With the scar above his right eyebrow looking as dangerously distinctive as usual, I can see why so many boys chase after him.