Nico turns the engine off and looks at me with his soulful brown eyes.

‘No need to put clothes on,’ Nico says. ‘In fact, take your t-shirt off too. I’ll give you my overcoat from the trunk. It’s big and black and will cover you from head to toe pretty much. Your collar and cock will be our little secret, baby boy.’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ I say, my face glowing with excitement.

I can’t wait to get up to Nico’s apartment. I’ve got thoughts on what it’s going to be like, but I’ve never been in a Mafia man’s home before, so I might be completely wrong.

Still, there’s only one way to find out.

As Nico – who might just be my Daddy now – holds the door open and hands me the overcoat, I feel every bone in my body tingle with excitement.

First date?Check.

First spanking?Check.

First puppy collar?Check.

And now what…who knows?

‘This place is nice,’ I say as I walk inside Nico’s apartment. ‘It’s certainly bigger than my little pad.’

‘Size isn’t everything, baby boy,’ Nico says, winking at me and flashing a devilishly handsome grin. ‘Well… notallthe time anyhow.’

I look around at the high ceilings and large, panoramic windows that overlook the city. I may only have a vague idea of what Nico does for money, but it’s quite clear that he isn’t lacking when it comes to spending power.

The sharp suit.

The luxurious SUV.

And now this place.

Nico is young, successful, and… he likesme?

I love who I am and am proud of my life. But the fact that someone so drop dead gorgeous and successful as Nico is into me still comes as a bit of a surprise.

But I’m not complaining – and I’m sure I’ll get used to it pretty quickly hehe.

However before I can settle and take in more of the sights and sounds of Nico’s admirably smart apartment, it seems like Nico has plans for me.

‘Overcoat off,now,’ Nico says, the sternness in his voice leaving little room for doubt. ‘I want my puppy on all fours. I’m going to take you for a little walkie around my home. And if you’re a good boy, there will be plenty of treats for you too.’

OMG – this issohot!

This is like a hundred different fantasies all rolled into one. And even better than that, this is actually happening in real life.

I take the overcoat off and find myself dropping down onto my hands and knees with only a dog collar on my neck and my entire body exposed.

‘Now shake that tail for me,’ Nico commands, nudging my booty with his foot. ‘Walk up and down the living area on all fours and make sure that butt of yours is working from side to side the whole time.’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ I say, playfully barking at the end of the sentence.

I move on all fours and make sure to put a whole heap of shake into my rear end too.

On the walk back toward my Daddy, I see that Nico is standing with his hands on his hips and a big grin on his face.

Yay! I must be pleasing my master!

‘Good, but now I want you to show me a trick!’ Nico says, clearly not wanting me getting too big for my britches. ‘On your hind legs and show me how you beg. Do it, puppy. And do itgood.’