I’ve lost countless family and friends to the bullet of a rival gangster or vengeful foe.

Over the years, I’ve developed a thick skin to the point of being able to attend a funeral and not come close to shedding a tear in sadness.

Of course, I know that it could be me in the casket one day.

But I live without fear – and that will never change.

I’ve always known the consequences that could come with my Mafia lifestyle, and I’m not going to abandon my life because of the dangers associated to it.

I’m Nico Costacurta, and my reputation on the streets of this incredible city is such that I’ll never be called a coward or be accused of letting fear rule my heart.

But some thingsdochange.

Ever since the first day I set my eyes on Eddie, I knew that he was destined to be my beautiful baby boy.

Yeah, Eddie is older than me – but age is just a number.

Eddie and I are the same, despite the age gap.

We both know what we want, and we know what we’re looking for when it comes to a partner.

For Eddie, all he wanted was a young Daddy who could look after him and make sure he was safe.

Oh, and all the other sexy stuff too…

For me, I wanted an older boy who was confident in his identity and had some life experience to back up his beliefs and choices.

I wanted a boy who had the maturity to be able to deal with my own very unique job – and in Eddie I foundexactlythe boy I had been chasing for so long.

And now we both have our dream lives together.

If I could have asked Eddie to move in with me after our very first date, I would have done. I think he might have thought I was an absolutely crazy Mafia man had I done that though, so I’m glad I held off.

But after the events with Luca Conte, I knew in my heart of hearts that I had to have Eddie close to me forever. Had anything happened to Eddie on that fateful day in East Side Sugar, I don’t know how I could ever have lived with myself.

But… everything worked out just right.

Sometimes life can be cruel, but not on that day.

The villains were taken out, and the Daddy and Little could begin their dream lives together.

Speaking of which, the four weeks since Eddie moved into my place have just been absolutely perfect.

I knew it would be good – but no one could have prepared me for just how incredibly fucking awesome it would be to live with my love.

Each morning feels like a blessing.

And each night feels like something special too, usually something big and hard… if you follow what I mean.

There has been one change I’ve noticed though since Eddie moved in, and it’s a change that I hadn’t been expecting.

In fact, had I made a prediction I would have assumed the total opposite to what has happened.

Rico would tease me and say that I was going to go all soft now that I was living with my Forever boy. Initially I was worried that my good friend Rico might have a point.

But then it happened.

We had a routine operation to complete. Nothing more than a simple shakedown of some thugs who were causing some trouble downtown.