‘So…do you want to be my little puppy?’ I say, noting how Eddie’s cheeks keep flushing red with every mention of pet play. ‘I think I could have you rolling around and doing tricks for me in no time…’

‘Yeah, I think you would!’ Eddie blurts out, clearly shy but also loving every second of this. ‘I think I’d love to be your little puppy pet.’

I think I was right about Eddie having a naughtier side.

I know it will be up to me to tease it out of him, but I don’t think Eddie’s joking when he says he wants to be my pet puppy.

And judging by the pretty damn obvious tent at the front of his pants, I think that even if Eddie wanted to deny it, he’d have a pretty difficult job convincing anyone that he wasn’t the most turned-on boy in this whole bar.

‘This is fun, right?’ I say, sipping on my drink and noting that Eddie’s only got eyes for me. ‘There are some cut guys in here, but no one’s at your level. Not as far as I’m concerned.’

‘Thank you,’ Eddie replies, blushing. ‘Same.’

‘Well, thankyou,’ I say, putting my hand on Eddie’s chunky upper thigh.

‘Are you going to tell me a bit more about yourself?’ Eddie says, clearly not entirely satisfied with how I brushed off my work situation previously.

‘You know, it’s notthatinteresting,’ I reply, having given the same answer to a million other people curious as to what I do for my daily wage.

But Eddie’s different to most people.

He may not be a NY city cop determined to send me away for a twenty stretch, but Eddie isn’t about to let go of this any time soon…

‘But I think itisinteresting,’ Eddie says, smiling. ‘You don’t have to go into too many details, but I think a little bit of trust between us would be good. Hey, I’ll tell you anything you want to know about my work at East Side Sugar!’

I laugh.

I like the boy’s determination, and I like his humor too.

What the hell, I’ll let him inside – but only a little bit.

‘Okay, so clearly you know the approximate field I do my business in?’ I say. ‘I could see from the look on your boss’s face that he recognized me. Well, sure… Iaminvolved in private business concerns. And, yeah, those business concerns aren’t necessarily legal sometimes.’

‘Okay…’ Eddie says, hanging on my every word.

‘And that’s about all I can tell you right now,’ I reply. ‘But I will say this. When you’re with me, you’re the safest baby boy inthis whole fucking city. Right here and now, there isn’t a more protected, untouchable boy in the whole of NYC than you.’

Eddie nods and I can see that he’s taking my words in very carefully.

But I don’t want him to think that I’m playing him or simply trying to get inside his pants – which of course I want to do too, but that’s not the point right now.

‘I’ll promise you one thing,’ I add, looking directly into Eddie’s bright, dreamy blue eyes. ‘The longer we’re together, the more you’ll learn. I can see you’re a good person with an open heart. I come from a tough world where things can get brutal. But over time I’ll let you take a peek into that world if you really want to. How about that? Deal?’

‘Deal,’ Eddie replies, a look of lust on his face that makes me think he might just be into this whole young Mafia Daddy thing even more than I could have imagined. ‘But… I’m going to keep asking anyway until you tell me!’

Wait… is the boy sassing me here?

He wants me to bite.

I can see it from the look in his eyes that Eddie is trying to provoke me into a response.

Well, he might just get a response too…

‘I think you’re being a naughty puppy,’ I say, fixing a look on Eddie that tells him I’m not fooling around. ‘I’ve got a collar in my SUV that would fit perfectly on you. And I think you might just need it.’

Got him.

Eddie can’t look at me, but I see those cheeks are burning bright red.