Page 20 of Forget

‘Oh, yeah, Jayda, baby, that’s so fucking good—’

He didn’t finish what he was saying when her free hand cupped his balls and squeezed gently as she simultaneously sucked him in so deep he hit the back of her throat.

He came on a loud groan that made the hair on the back of her neck snap to attention. She’d never heard anything so raw, so real, and it thrilled her like nothing else.

She became aware of him stroking her head, smoothing her hair, soft and comforting, before he drew her to her feet. Oddly bashful after what she’d just done, she waited for him to speak first. Though his stunned expression pretty much said it all.

When he didn’t say anything, she aimed for levity. ‘In case you were wondering, that’s me proving how much I want this two-week fling.’

‘I got the message loud and clear.’ His lopsided smile made her heart twang. ‘Babe, you give great head.’

‘Why, thank you.’ She dabbed at the corners of her mouth as if she’d devoured the tastiest morsel. ‘I could say the same about you so the least I could do was return the favour.’

Something inexplicable flickered in his eyes. ‘But there’s something I have to tell you.’

Unease settled in her gut. She remembered her dad saying the same thing to her, before he imparted the tragic news of Sasha’s death. Nothing good ever came after hearing those words.

‘What is it?’

He hesitated a moment, before clasping her face in his hands, his dark gaze steady and reassuring.

‘I’m not leaving in two weeks. I’ll be around for six.’


Brock ignored everyinbuilt mechanism to end this now.

He never dated the same woman beyond a week let alone two and extending his stay in Melbourne meant he was at risk of wanting more than sex with Jayda.

Their foreplay had alerted him to exactly how easily he could fall for a woman like her. Intelligence, wit, along with a hot bod. The danger signs were clear.

Besides, this wasJayda. He knew too much personal stuff about her already. It skewed his usual delineated lines. A fling with her had complication written all over it. He should walk away as he normally would.

But for once in his well-ordered life he shunned the sensible option. So what if two weeks morphed into six? He could handle it.

Maybe it was time to change his old habits and not flee every time a woman hinted at getting closer?

‘Six weeks, huh?’ She tapped her full bottom lip, pretending to think, but couldn’t hide the blossoming smile on her face. ‘Is that going to be a problem for you?’

‘Of course not.’ He responded too quickly and couldn’t meet her eyes. ‘I’m thirsty. Want some water?’

Her smile faded as she eyed him with speculation. Shit. No matter how much he wanted to turn his back and bolt before they’d really started, he had to get a grip before he fucked this up royally.

‘Sure.’ She nodded, and he turned away before she glimpsed the sheer panic in his eyes.

She followed him into the kitchen where he paused at the sink, opened a cupboard above his head, and reached for two glasses. He filled them from the chilled water nozzle on his fancy fridge door, frantically assembling his thoughts.

Her confidence in articulating a clearcut short-term fling should comfort him. They were different people from the last time they’d hooked up, when he’d been on the outskirts of her life looking in, resenting her for being outgoing with everyone but him, secretly lusting after her because he couldn’t get her out of his head.

He’d jerked off so many times picturing what she’d look like naked. Big tits, curvy hips, full ass. When most guys at uni were glued to porn online in their spare time, all he had to do was lie back and fantasise about Jayda to get off.

Now, he had her, wanting to sex things up for a few weeks. No strings. No promises.

He’d be a fool to fuck this up.

‘Does staying around for longer pose a problem for you?’

He shook his head and handed her a glass, gulping half his in one go, clamping down on the cowardly response of ‘hell yeah’.