Page 36 of Journey to You

Laughing at his wounded expression, she slipped out of his grasp, hitched up her long skirt, and sprinted across the sandwith him in hot pursuit. She’d never felt this carefree, this spontaneous, and while Colva Beach may have worked its magic on her, it had more to do with the man rugby tackling her to the sand as they reached the hut.

“Hey! Don’t go trying out your football moves on me.”

Ethan rolled onto his back, taking her with him so she lay along the length of him. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Besides, those guys are way out of my league.”

“Am I?”

All too aware of their heated skin being separated by thin cotton, she propped on his chest, the teasing smile dying on her lips as she registered the sudden shadows in his eyes.

“Maybe you are.”

“I was kidding, you great oaf.” She whacked him playfully on the chest, disappointed when he stood and hauled her to her feet.

“My ego bruises easily. You need to treat me gently.”

She didn’t buy his rueful grin for a second, something akin to hurt lingering in his eyes.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Eager to restore the playful mood between them, she gestured to the hut. “Maybe you won’t be so sensitive once you get some food into that bottomless pit of yours?”

He instantly perked up. “Did you mention food?”

She laughed and unlocked the door. “Kitchen’s on the left. The dinner that’s been delivered while I took a walk should be on the bench top and ready to be heated. I’ll take a quick shower before we eat.”

While she preferred a natural look here, she felt distinctly grubby in the presence of his sexy casualness. That glow he’d mentioned probably had more to do with a day’s worth of perspiration than any inner peace.

“Right. See you in ten.”

She held up a hand, fingers spread. “Make that five. I’m starving, too.”

Before she could move, he captured her hand, raised it to his lips, and placed a hot, scorching kiss on her palm and curled her fingers over. “I’m really glad I came.”

“Me too,” she murmured, his kiss burning her palm.

She curled her fingers over it as she backed into the bathroom, not breaking eye contact for a second, waiting until she all but slammed the door before slumping against it in a quivering heap, her hormones leaping as high as her heart.


Ethan headed for the tiny kitchen, drawn by the faint aroma of fish, onions, and ginger.

For a guy who hadn’t been able to face food the last forty-eight hours, he was ravenous.

Not just for food.

The instant he’d laid eyes on Tam, the intense craving had returned, so overwhelming he wondered how he’d managed to let her walk away from him in the first place.

All his doubts had washed away on the evening tide as she’d run towards him, her incredible green eyes shining, her smile incandescent.

He wasn’t a romantic kind of guy—dating women who favoured rich guys took all the gloss off romance—but if he was prone to it, their reunion had been picture perfect, the type of moment to relate to their kids, their grandkids.


He stopped dead, backing up a moment.

He’d gone from the possibility of dating, to kids?

Hunger must be making him more light-headed than he thought. He spied a casserole dish filled with fish curry, a bowl ofsteamed white rice, and araitamade from yoghurt, cucumber, tomato and onion, on the bench top.

Food of the gods, as he heated the fish and rice, amazed he’d gone a whole day without thinking of his preciousAmbrosia. He spent all day every day in constant touch with the managers of each restaurant around the world, keeping abreast of the daily running, meeting with accountants, conference-calling with staff.