My insides felt scraped raw as I grabbed my bag and got in the Uber. I was meeting the guys at JFK since I skipped out on the bar get together before the flight. Somehow, I had to get my shit together to go on this tour and put all my focus into my career. Even though my heart was squeezed so tight, there was no blood to pump anymore.
I’d lost Landon.
I sat in the back seat and stared out the window. The traffic was a nightmare and it’d be a long damn ride. The city I loved said goodbye with a gloomy rain that reflected my mood. Once again, my phone buzzed and I couldn’t help myself. I had three missed calls I’d managed not to answer or return, but I had to read the text.
Please, Adam, call me. I made a mistake and I’m making it right. Please.
Pain rippled through me. I knew Landon believed she could fix this, and maybe I was being a stubborn ass for letting the woman I loved go over one mistake. Unfortunately, it was bigger than that for me. She knew what Max had done before. She knew how I’d backed her up over and over, trusting she’d never hurt me. But to listen to my pleas while Max stood by her side—that slimy snake having full access while she defended him? To choose to believe Max without question?
No. I couldn’t forgive that. At least, not right now.
I ignored the text and sat in silence. My thoughts churned. Landon would finish shootingDumpedand I’d tour in LA. Maybe the distance would allow this pain to soften and I’d realize I couldn’t live without her, no matter what she did. Maybe she kicked Max off the set and swore to never see him again. It would help. But the betrayal wouldn’t be erased by simple words. I was too fucked up and needed time.
Another text came through from Gabby.
Where r u? Did u leave yet?
I typed out my response.On my way to JFK. 10pm flight.
An emoji blowing a kiss popped up.Safe flight. Text later. Will miss u.
I managed a half smile. Gabby was like a firebomb—you never knew when she’d bring excitement or chaos. I respected her ambition with her career and the direct way she lived her life, with no apology. But I also never knew if she manipulated things in the background. She was an unknown factor.
I brooded and my phone stayed silent. Time passed slowly, leaving me alone with my muttering driver and my thoughts. I made a vow then and there to commit to what I was stepping into. My music had been the only thing in my life that was constant—a safe place to escape my doubts and pain and suffering. This was my time and I couldn’t allow to be distracted by what I’d left behind.
Or who. Even though Landon would always own part of my soul.
Finally, we got to the airport. It took forever to get through baggage and pre-check. I confirmed my gate, bought a few snacks, and finally went to the bar where the band was hanging.
“Finally! Started to wonder if you’d dumped us,” Xavier said with a grin. We all gave each other half-ass guy hugs.
“JJ’s next door getting some fancy ass pillow. Like that maniac is going to sleep,” Seb said.
I grinned. “We’ll finally see if he’s the vampire we suspected. Are you already shit-faced?”
Seb raised his glass. “Hell, yes. Fucking seven-hour flight and I plan to pass out.”
“Might as well join you.” I ordered a beer as they all gave a whoop. We fell into easy conversation. The girls were joining them on a later flight the next day and I couldn’t help but think of Landon, and what it would feel like if she’d chosen to come with me. Maybe Fate had stepped in to make me realize I needed to do this journey on my own. I’d made best friends with loneliness most of my life. Landon had shown me another way, but I obviously wasn’t meant for that type of world. Better to learn that lesson now.
I had a few beers. JJ returned to some good-natured ribbing. Finally, it was getting close to boarding and we made our way toward the gate, where a long line was already formed, snaking down the aisle.
“Gonna hit the bathroom,” I said, dropping my bag. “It’ll be a while.”
I walked down the wide hallway, maneuvering through the crowds, and heard my name.
I paused, cranking my head around, but didn’t see anyone. Great, now I was hallucinating shit. I began walking but thevoice got louder, drilling into my brain with a familiarity that stole my breath.
I stopped and squinted behind me. And then I saw her.
Landon stood a few feet away. I blinked several times to clear my vision, but she was still there. She wore tiny denim shorts that showed off her long legs. Her low-cut shirt was damp with sweat, and her blonde hair was slipping from its holder, where strands messily framed her face. Makeup had rubbed off her face, showing smeared eyeliner and natural pink lips. Her blue eyes were fixed on me with such a naked vulnerability, I froze, unable to move. Unable to speak.
“Adam.” Her voice broke on my name. She closed the distance between us slowly, carefully, as if she was afraid I’d bolt. “I made a terrible mistake. But I’m here now, and I need you to forgive me.”
Chapter Forty-Three