“Zee?” I asked tentatively.
“Mara,” he growled, his eyes skittering to Olivia coming up behind me.
“Mommy looks pretty, Daddy.”
“Too pretty.” His eyes moved slowly over my body, then my hair, finally finishing on my face. “Too pretty,” he murmured and stepped close to me, his hand on my nape, looking intently into my upturned face, “too fucking pretty,” he barely whispered, not wanting Olivia to hear, pressing his lips to mine.
My womb clenched and I dropped my head back, smiling at him, wanting him. He groaned and rested his forehead on mine, his body coiled tight, his other hand moving to the small of my back, holding me closer. He puffed out a breath and a rueful laugh. “You’re lucky we have Olivia, or you’d never make it to your friend’s wedding.”
I smiled. “If you’re a good boy I’ll let you take it off me later.”
“Oh, I’ll be good, no doubt about that.”
I got the eye crinkle then he turned from me to ask Olivia for a twirl, which she delivered to his low whistle. Olivia smiled, her cheeks pinkening, and we left, right on time.
I don’t know why I expected Bex to be in a tizzy. Projecting, I guess. As calm and laid back as always, she looked stunning, her dress a mix of cream and smoke, lace, satin, and chiffon. Her subtle makeup highlighted those tilted watercolor eyes and her perfect mouth. Her high heels were a muted silver but there was nothing muted about the sparkle in her eyes and the joy in her smile.
I covered my cheeks with my hands, trying to hold back my tears and she scolded me, “Don’t you dare! You look like a pin up girl, a walking wet dream, don’t you dare cry and ruin your makeup.”
Her word choice shocked me into laughter. “Re-bec-ca!”
Zale smirked at me, his dark eyes twinkling in agreement, and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“You look beautiful, Bex. He’s a lucky man.”
“I know.” She winked at me, and Zale chuckled.
She held her hand out to me. “I’ve got to help Amelie get into her dress. Want to come with Olivia?”
I nodded, and Bex turned to Olivia. “Okay, beautiful girl, come with Auntie Bex. I’ve got something for you and Amelie, and I need to help Amelie with her dress.”
The house was busy but calm, everyone happy and relaxed. Once Willa showed, the entire cast, crew, and audience would be there, including the pastor and the photographer.
Bex had already warned her in-laws to go soft with Olivia, not to push her for conversation, and she had also asked the photographer to refrain from using flash photography close to Olivia. Whatever Bex could do to make it easier for Olivia, she did. I had never felt so lucky to have her in my life as I did in that moment.
We emerged from the bedroom to find that Willa had just arrived, Barrett close on her heels.
He guided her inside, his hand on the small of her back, his eyes on her profile. He looked magnificent, all that wild hair pulled back at his nape, his beard somewhat tamed, in a dark grey suit, crisp white shirt and charcoal tie. We were all in shades of grey and black as per Rebecca’s request. She had planned for the photographer to do all kinds of shots, including family and couple shots. Willa wore a swing dress in soft black, tea length, a tight wide band at her midriff, the bodice rising from that band creating a deep vee between her breasts that didn’t close until it hit that band, tight half sleeves hugged her to the elbow. Simple and elegant, it provided the perfect foil for her height, her curves, and her lightning eyes. Her long shapely legs tipped with glossy black stilettos were the exclamation point for her perfection.
The girls loved their charms and added them immediately to their bracelets. Before I knew it, Calum shuffled us out to the temporary wood floor in the heated tent. Flowers lay over an archway and decorated the elegantly dressed u-shaped table where we would all sit together to eat. We gathered in front of Rhys and Bex, who werestanding facing each other, their sides to us, the pastor speaking words of truth, faithfulness, and love over them. When it came time for the “I dos” the twins stepped even closer, standing enthralled, staring up at their dad first, and then their new mom.
“Do you, Rebecca, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, until death do you part?”
She smiled straight into Rhys’ eyes, not a tear or hesitation in sight. “I do.”
She turned to Cole, and he placed his father’s ring into her open hand. She smiled at him and then pushed the band onto Rhys’ ring finger and rejoined their hands.
“Do you, Rhys, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, until death do you part?”
Rhys’ husky voice contained more gravel than usual, he cleared his throat, and swiped a thumb under his eye. “I do.”
He turned to Amelie, who placed her mother’s ring into his open palm. He smiled at her, and then pushed the band onto Rebecca’s ring finger and rejoined their hands.
Cole took Amelie’s hand in his, leaned toward the pastor, reached to put his little hand on top of Rhys and Rebecca’s clasped hands and Amelie followed suit, and they piped up, “I do, too.”
I heard Jeanie’s breath hitch beside me, and I reached my hand out to her. Zale put his arm around me, murmuring my name as he thumbed away my tears.
The pastor didn’t miss a beat. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your groom.”