Returning to the room, they rented a movie and lay down to cuddle and watch. He admitted he’d last about ten minutes before passing out, but that when he woke up she’d better be ready for him. True to form he woke near the end of the movie, revived.
“Get ready for bed, gorgeous, and I don’t mean sleep. I’ll be back.” He kissed her quick, hard, then rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.
She put on her new negligee and stood at the side of the bed, facing the hallway. Feeling stupid honestly. Should she sit? Stand? Cross her legs? Sit on the bed? In the end she ran out of time to decide and was just standing there fidgeting with the lace at the bottom edge of her nightie when the bathroom door opened. He came out and turned right toward her. His eyes swept from her painted toes to her wide eyes. There was a lot to take in, she was lush, and he lovedevery inch of her. He didn’t break stride as his chin dipped, eyes darkened with intent, locking onto her startled gaze.
Stunned bunny.
“Uh, oh,” she breathed out, lips parted as the heat of his energy slammed into her womb, and her hands jerked away from the hem, fingers spreading reflexively in a startle response beside her thighs. She had the sudden urge to retreat and instinctively knew what it was to be tracked and caught. Trepidation warred with anticipation, and it was a heady mix.
Before she could act he was there, long strides eating up the space between them, strong arms closing around her back, and firm lips further parting her soft ones. His hands slid firmly across her back, one to her nape, one to the top of her ass, pulling her fully against him.
There was no mistaking his arousal.
She breathed him in, and her arms came up under his and around his broad back. She kneaded the flat muscles that flexed and undulated along his spine as his sweet mouth moved over hers. The want in her body hijacked her mind, thank God. Heat and longing unfurled low in her belly and bubbled up through her chest, escaping in a gasp that had her head falling back in surrender, herlong hair spilling over his arms. He tightened his hold and held her gaze as he backed them up to the bed, turned, and laid her out before him.
Insecurity returned with a vengeance, and she clamped her thighs closed in an undisguised and failing attempt to hide them. She turned her face to the side, but he leaned across her over the bed and tilted her head back toward him with a finger to her jaw.
He held her gaze and made no attempt to hide the heat in his. With one hand he reached behind his head to grab onto the back of his tee, in that way men do, and pulled it over his head, tossing it onto a chair. He stood straight and watched her eyes travel across his chest and follow the path his hands took to the waistband of his jeans. He watched her swallow as he unbuttoned, unzipped, and pushed his jeans down over his long hard thighs. There was no teasing it out. He did not waste time. She did not miss a step. He did not miss her thighs pressed together for another reason now, rubbing together to ease the throbbing at their juncture, and his dick jumped at the thought of the heat and the wet that awaited him there. He stepped out of his jeans but left on the black boxers that were aggressively tenting, drawing her eyes like a beacon.
With one hand braced against the mattress beside her head, one hand on her hip, knee on the bed beside hers, watching her watching him, lips a breath away, he drew his other knee slowly between her legs, his hard thigh, bristling with dark hair, slowly easing hersapart until finally, finally he pressed his thigh firmly against her heat.
She sucked in involuntarily and lifted her eyes to his.
Swirling between them.
Soft, willing, female.
Hard, hungry, male.
His mouth came down on hers hard and she opened to him. Opened her mouth, her arms, her thighs, her mind, and he wasted no time widening her thighs with his and rocking his hips hard into the cradle of her pelvis.
She moaned with the sudden bolt of desire and lifted her hips eagerly to rub against the hard length pressed against her core, her attention pinballing between the points of contact between them.
In the battle between her insecurity and her want, insecurity temporarily ceded victory, and she undulated beneath him, moaning into his kiss.
He met her stroke for stroke and when it became too much, when it came too close, she braced her foot on the , and he allowed her to roll him onto his back.
Straddling his lean hips, she nibbled and bit and sucked lightly at his lips, his neck, his ears, his throat, his nipples, and his chest. She dragged her tongue, flicking down his abdomen, her legs sliding off the edge of the bed, and hooked her fingers over the waistband of his shorts.
He lifted his hips, and she pulled them off, standing up at the side of the bed looking down at all six beautiful naked feet of him. It was all about him now, no room in her brain to think of anything else.
She dragged her nails up his thighs and climbed back onto the bed to nestle between his thighs, bent over his erection. It jumped under her attention. Leaning forward, her hands braced on either side of his hips, she closed her lips over the swollen head and sucked him deep.
His hands tangled in her hair, alternately pulling her face away to stop himself from coming and encouraging her to take him deeper. She swallowed against the swollen head, and he yanked her off and dragged her up his body. She gripped his hips with her thighs and rubbed hard against him, making him slick with her wet.
He fucked her mouth with his tongue and took her to her back, driving into her with one hard push. Holding there, unmoving, his face tight and jaw clenched, she panted in his face, “Oh, please…”