I raise an eyebrow, feigning innocence while I press my lips close to his and murmur, “And what exactly is it you want to do with me?”
William’s hand slips down my back and beneath the waistband of my jeans, his fingers squeezing my ass with a possessive warmth. “You know, when I played that guitar, all I could think about was you and that first night I saw you. Blasting music in the middle of an overrun city and then dancing away while killing rotters? Only a maniac would do something like that.”
“Unfortunately, I never thought to try,” Max says, walking past.
I let out a giggle and lean into William. “Some might call it strategy.” I give the guitar strap over his shoulder a gentle tug, nodding toward it. “But look who’s got a new instrument.”
His grin is wide and beams with pride. “It felt good to hold a guitar in my hands again, but not as good as holding you.”
“You’re going to make me blush so much I catch on fire.” I lift onto my toes and give him a gentle kiss.
“Then I’ll have to go down with you because there’s no way I’ll ever let go.”
The heat creeping up my neck is hot and intense. “I’m sorry you lost your harmonica, though.”
Something flashes in his eyes that I can’t decipher. His eyes drop to the compass hanging around my neck. “I’m not. It was worth it. Besides, now I can teach you to play the guitar until I can teach you the harmonica. I’ll have to whisk you away for some private lessons, though. Especially since I’m sure Griffin will work us to the bone at the new place.”
“Damn right I will,” Griffin says, walking past.
“Can’t get any privacy around here as it is,” William mutters, making me laugh. I pull him down for another searing kiss. He tastes of something warm and familiar, and when I release him, he’s grinning. His pale blue eyes sparkle when he looks at me, and they no longer carry the sorrow they had when I first met him. This right here is my favorite look on him.
“We’ll figure it out. I promise. Besides,” I press my lips to his again, I can’t seem to stop tasting him, “I’m looking forward to being alone with you.”
A low growl rises in his throat, and for a second, I think he might whisk me off into the woods for some alone time, but then Max shoves him to the side, grinning. “Move it, Willie boy. My pet needs to eat.” Max shoves something into my hands. Looking down, I realize it’s a pouch of freeze-dried chili that’s already been heated over the fire, and a plastic fork. He presents it like it’s the finest meal on earth, which it likely could be.
Shaking my head, I try to give it back to him. “We should save this for someone who really needs it.”
Max’s brows lift, and he crosses his arms, daring me. “You skip eating, and Griffin will have my head, and then your ass. I can guarantee it’ll be a lot more fun for you than it will be for me. Believe me when I say we’ve sorted out food for everyone for the night, and you’re included in that.Plus, a small group went foraging. Now eat, or else I’ll kill whoever you try to give that to instead.”
My eyes narrow. “You will not.”
He grins. “Care to test that theory?”
I eye him, but I know he’s not the one to make fake threats. So, I give in and take a bite. It’s rich, and even tastes like actual food from the “before” times. I savor every single bite, knowing how rare it is and that pretty soon there won’t be any more left on the planet.
“Atta girl.” Max kisses my cheek and walks off, whistling.
Looking around, I spot Zoey. She’s sitting with two other girls from the colony, with Buddy eating something out of a bowl. I’m glad to see Zoey also has her own food pouch in hand. She laughs, and I smile. She’s doing better than I thought she would be. Her wound wasn’t as serious as I had feared, which is an immense relief. I don’t know what I would do if I lost her. At least she should have an easier time healing than Griffin did. I don’t think anyone here is as stubborn as he is.
“What’s going through your mind?” As if summoned by my thoughts, Griffin wraps his arms around me. Ever since we left the colony ruins, my guys have done a good job making sure I’m not alone.
When I turn around in his arms to face him, a flash of purple catches my attention. I stop and stare at the woman weaving in and out of the tree line, her eyes on our campsite. As if she’s studying it. “Hey, I know her.”
Griffin follows my line of sight. “Is she from the colony, too?”
I shake my head. “No. She was in the rest area we stopped at on the way to the colony. Max and I talked to her, then she ran away. I wonder what she’s doing here.”
Griffin’s chest rumbles. “The way she’s watching the camp doesn’t feel right.”
I place a hand on his chest. “Let me go talk to her.” I glance up at him. “Alone. I’ll make sure to stay in sight, though. I don’t want to scare her off.”
“You think I might scare her away?”
“Absolutely.” I lift onto my toes, give him a kiss, and then head for the woman with the purple hair.
She doesn’t notice me approaching until I’m only a few feet away. I step on a twig, cracking it, and she startles. Her eyes widen and she moves like she’s going to dart, but then she stops. “You.”
“Hey. Fancy seeing you here.”