I stare at her for a moment, dumbfounded. “Really? Is that the best you got? Should I cut off your finger, then?”

She lifts a hand from the ground and weakly waves it at me. “Whatever. Point is, I think I’m going to be alright. He could have gotten me worse, but he didn’t. I’m pretty sure the bleeding is under control now. Want to check?”

I shake my head. “No, because I think we’re out of bandages, so I can’t wrap you back up.” I grasp her hand between mine and squeeze. “I love you, but you really need to use some better analogies.”

“Noted. If we’re done with this love fest, shouldn’t you go help your guys?”

“They have it under control. William’s driving away the rotters. Max is helping the injured survivors. And Griffin—” My eyes widen when I realize he isn’t here. “Oh no. He’s still in there.”

I push to my feet and prepare to run back into the town, but before I can even turn around, my heart leaps.

“Emily.” Griffin’s arms wrap around me, and I’m pulled from Zoey and into a tight, fierce hug.

I turn into him, and he buries his face into the crook of my neck, while I wrap my arms around his. “I was so worried about you.”

“Me?” His breath is warm on my neck. “I’ve been out of my fucking mind worrying about you. I searched for youeverywhere until someone told me all the survivors were gathering out here. Otherwise, I would still be inside that town, searching for you until I burned to the ground with it.”

I tighten my hold around him and pull myself closer. “You’re insane,” I whisper into his ear.

His lips press against the sensitive part of my neck, sending a light tremor through my body. “Only for you, princess. Always for you.”

“I was about to run back in there and find you.” My gaze hovers on the burning town behind him. Every building there is in flames. “I can’t believe you were still in there for me. I’m so sorry, Griffin. Putting you in danger is never something I want to do.”

His arms tighten around me. “I’m the only one who can willingly put myself in danger. Nothing can keep me from you. Not rotter, dregs, or even fire. I’ll always find you, princess.”

My lips find his. “There are still more wounded over there. We should help.”

His fingers curl, pressing into my back. “I passed them. Max, Josh, and the other survivors have it covered.”

I scratch my nails along his back. “People are hurt. People are dying.”

He wraps a chunk of my hair around his finger and pulls so it tugs at my scalp. “The only one I care about is you. Those people mean nothing to me, but I will help them if you want me to. Just say the word.”

I bite his lip and then devour his mouth with a kiss. “Please, Griffin. I know how things turned out with them, but not everyone is awful. They don’t deserve to be abandoned.”

He kisses me once more before pulling back and looking me dead in the eye. “Even though they abandoned you?”

I nod. “Yes. This apocalypse has brought out the worst inpeople, but I’d rather be part of the little bit of humanity still left in the world. If we do the same to them, then we’d be no better.”

His eyes close for a moment, and he breathes out, resting his forehead against mine. “I know exactly what you mean, princess. Do I ever.” He lifts his head enough to rest his lips against my forehead. His chest expands when he inhales. “Alright. I’ll help, as long as you stay here.”

After one more kiss that makes me second guess myself, he hurries off after Max, and I settle in next to Zoey, who insists on sitting up despite my best protests.

The fires have reached the walls by the time Max and Griffin carry over the last wounded survivors, with Buddy trotting alongside them as their own personal guard dog.

The flames crackle and spit as they consume the wooden barricade that once felt like the safest place on earth.

Flames dance in Zoey’s sad eyes while she watches our world burn. “We worked for weeks gathering supplies, trying to build a new fence. We planned for metal this time…something that wouldn’t go up in flames so easily. I guess none of that really mattered in the end.”

I wrap an arm around her shoulders and lean my head against her while we watch the flames leap higher, devouring the place we’d called home. The only home we’ve known since the dead rose.

Griffin, Max, and William settle in behind us, letting us have our moment. I realize then that I feel more secure here, in the middle of ruin, because they’re with me. They’re the safest place I’ve ever been, no matter our location.

The thought brings on a cascade of new thoughts until I can’t control it any longer. Leaving Zoey’s side, I move back toward Griffin and turn around until I’m sitting in his lap. William’s and Max’s eyes blaze with desire, their full attention on me. I keep my voice low, speaking so only the three of them can hear.

“I can’t abandon them. Not now, not like this. They need me. Zoey needs me.”

Understanding fills his eyes. I don’t know what I expected his reaction to be, but he listens. He really listens.