Kia and Lyra laugh. “Reminds me of you,” they both say in unison.
Just as Nessa is about to say something back, Alexi interrupts.
“I know that we are all just getting reacquainted. However, we have some children that need our help first.”
Lev jumps out of the van then. “Kia and Lyra, you guys are going to location B. Evie will be with Havoc and Arrow.”
“We briefed them on the plane,” Evie says. “Let’s move. The plane will be waiting for us on the tarmac. If you have any problems, get back there as fast as you can.”
I glance from Nessa to Boris, not liking everything that is happening. We are about to walk in blind.
“Ness,” I say, turning her to face me, “I think Kai should come with us.”
“What?” she practically shouts in my ear.
I might regret this later, but I have a gut feeling he needs to be with us. “He will help the boys trust us. I know it.”
She shakes her head, eyes brimming with worry, but I can see her hesitation. She knows him being with us will be just as much of a distraction as he will be in the van without our eyes on him.
“Little Fox,” Boris says with a hand on her shoulder. “I think he is right. He should be with us.”
“I’ll go talk to him,” I offer, wanting to give her time to accept this.
She nods, and I head to the van as Boris turns to her and wraps her in a hug, whispering words I can’t hear but know will comfort her in this decision, into her ear.
“Kai,” I say, jumping in the back. Lev and Damien are outside the door talking, so I take a second to be real with him. “I saw you in the car as we were landing. Sneaking around here can really cause problems. What were you thinking?”
He looks down at his hands in his lap, rubbing them together. “I kept seeing Nessa lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. I couldn’t save her then, but what if I could save her now?”
When his eyes meet mine, I can see the pain of that memory. We have all gotten so close over the past few months, and with that has come a lot of trust and vulnerability.
“It’s not your job to save her,” I remind him. He looks like he wants to argue, but I stop him. “However, I understand wanting to feel like you’re a part of what we do. I want you with us now, but if at any point you want to back out or change your mind, promise me you will say something. We may live dangerous lives, but I want you to have at leastsomehealthy boundaries.”
“I promise,” he says, nodding his head swiftly. “I swear I will tell you if it’s too much.”
Before I can stand, he tucks himself into my chest, holding me close. “Thank you for not leaving me behind.”
“Kai, we’ll never leave you behind. Everything we do will be to protect you.”
He nods, wiping his face as he sits up. “I know. I’m still getting used to that too.”
“Alright slim chickens, it’s time to move out!” Damien yells, smacking the side of the van. Lev rolls his eyes and gets in, setting up the rest of the surveillance.
“What do you say, kid?” I ask. “You ready to go save a few more of your kind?”
A smile stretches across Kai’s face. “I was born ready.”
Chapter 34
Boris has adjusted my vest at least ten times, but I let him because I’ve adjusted Kai’s probably twice as many times. I hate that he’s here, even if I understand his reasoning. I love him more than I ever knew I could love a kid, and that terrifies me.
Kai checks over his gun one more time before placing it in the holster around his waist. He has two spares and about ten extra clips strapped to him. One great thing about having ties to the mafia is there are always more weapons.
My fourteen-year-old soon-to-be son shouldn’t have weapons strapped to him, but here we are.
I want to be mad, furious even, but I can’t be. Not when he gives me that face. Not when his eyes, that look so much like my sister’s, gaze at me with remorse.
Adjusting his vest again, I pull him close so that only the two of us can hear. “Stop looking at me like that.”