“Do you both want a bunny of your own?”
They look at the dirty toy and grip it tight.
“It is likely a sense of safety for them,” Dr. K explains. “Once they believe they are safe here, they will probably let it go and find another item that reminds them of this place instead.”
I make it my mission to get them new bunnies that make them feel safe.
It takes a lot of persuading and bubbles, but eventually we convince the girls to clean up with a warm washcloth. It’s a far cry from what they need, but it was a good starting point according to Dr. K.
Adrian brushes Ami’s light brown hair, and Ani lets me brush hers. I take my time removing the knots and adding in a little detangler before braiding it into a long braid.
Ami looks back when I’m done, and her eyes widen in awe.
“Princess,” she says as she points to her sister.
Ani smiles and shyly tucks her head down.
“Do you want to be a princess too?” Adrian asks Ami. She thinks for a minute, and then scoots over to sit in front of him.
“Dinosaur,” Ami insists.
I laugh as Adrian’s panicked eyes meet mine. He doesn't want to disappoint her, but he can hardly braid hair, much less do something that would look like a dinosaur.
“Ami, would it be okay if I tried?” I ask. She looks at Adrian then at me.
“Hand,” she says to Adrian, reaching for him.
I notice she squeezes tightly as he takes it before looking back at me. The sight of her tiny hand in his large one makes my heart melt and clench simultaneously.
“Okay,” her sweet voice says. Her grip on Adrian refuses to loosen, even as she moves over towards me.
Az is still sitting here with us while Damien left to help get the boys into their pajamas. Dr. K went with them because the little one had a meltdown when the water shut off.
Ani sits next to her sister while I grab a few green-colored plastic hair bands and a comb. I have always loved to work on hair, and am honored that these girls seem to trust me enough to help with theirs.
It might have taken three hours for them to speak to us, but it seems like Ami is really trying. She is definitely the braver one of the two, while Ani quietly observes everything before making her own decisions.
Sitting on the floor behind her, I take small twists of her hair and fan them out to look like spikes going down her head. When I glance over at Adrian, Ani is dozing off with her head comfortably in his lap.
My eyes mist over at the way he looks at her, running gentle fingers soothingly down her cheek.
Somehow, these girls have already wormed their way into our hearts, and I have a feeling they won’t be leaving anytime soon.
As soon as I finish and show Ami the results in the mirror, she squeals and hugs me.
“Rawr!” she shouts, waking Ani with a startle. Adrian helps Ani stand just as Dr. K walks in.
“Would you like to come pick out some warm pajamas?” she asks them.
They nod and take her hands, walking away happily as Adrian and I stand together in equal amounts of awe and sorrow.
“They’re perfect,” he whispers.
“And starting to trust us.”
He nods, emotions welling in his eyes that I don’t often see. “I love you,” he says before pulling me in for a kiss.
The moment we break apart, I rest my head on his shoulder as his arms wrap around me.