I know there are a few older kids still awake in one of the larger rooms. When I enter with the tray, their squeals of delight let me know I made the right choice.
When I make my way back down to the dining area, voices reach me first.
“You okay, Love?” I hear Cillian ask before I enter, causing me to pause.
“Yeah,” her voice is so soft. “Yeah, it just reminded me of-”
“We know,” Boris says.
“I’m sorry Nessy, I totally forgot.”
She clears her throat. “It’s okay, Sunny. Let’s just get to business.”
I make myself known then, walking in and sitting back in my chair.
“Thanks, kid,” Cillian says before holding out a hand for a fist bump. I return it as I look at Nessa. She smiles at me, although it doesn’t reach her eyes, but I nod, knowing she was trying to say thank you.
I might not know what just happened, but just like with the kids, I feel like I can sense what these people need before they even have to ask. Like we’re all on the same wavelength.
Lev looks up from typing as Damien scoots his chair as close to him as he can and wraps an arm around his back. You can see their love for each other as clear as you can see Nessa’s for Boris and Cillian.
I’ve never known people to take on multiple life partners, but I get the sense that is what family is here. They all love each other unconditionally, which is so rare that I can’t help but want to see more of it.
The way they all support each other is something I have only ever dreamed of.
“Alright, Kai,” Lev says, snapping me from my thoughts, “tell us what you know.”
Sitting forward, I rest my arms on the table. “The guards would talk about training up, which meant if you did well you could earn a spot at the nicer camps. Private rooms, personal bathrooms, everything like that could be earned. There is even a level you can reach where you get to pick all of your meals.”
I think back to the way some of the guards would try to motivate me to earn it, but I was sure to mess up just enough that they wouldn't take me from the others.
“I say this because a lot of these kids are sixteen and only know foster care, which makes their current setup a literal dream. Some won’t care what they have to do to earn it if it means they have a warm bed to sleep in at night.”
Everyone seems to understand where I’m going with this.
“So if you bust in there and start killing everyone, these kids will fight back. They won’t look at you like a rescue team, they will see you as someone in the way of the life they earned.”
Damien raises his hand like this is some sort of middle school class and I’m the teacher. I have no idea how to respond to that.
“Just say it, Damien,” Evie says with a sigh.
“Okay, so how can we make them see that coming with us is the better choice? Do you think they will believe us if we tell them that a better life doesn’t have to be earned?”
I shrug because I have no idea. All I know is it’s going to take one hell of an effort to convince them.
“If it were me, it would take a lot, but I think I’m different. A lot of older kidstriedto get to this level. I stayed because I had people to protect.”
Nessa looks at me with a proud expression, and it gives me so much strength I feel like my heart might burst.
“So what will motivate them?” Damien asks out loud.
“Money.” Batman states.
I shake my head when an idea dawns on me. “Wait, I might have something.”
I think back to how this team earned our trust when it hits me.
“The hot bunks!” I shout, causing everyone to startle and stare at me. When I realize they’re as lost as a bunch of sharks on land, I explain further.