“I will.”
“Did you know I wasn’t dead?”
Sullivan hangs his head, and when he glances up, he’s biting his lip. “You know I loved your sister, right?”
My eyes nearly bug out of my head, but Nessa nods as if she knew all along.
“I didn’t love her in the way that I wanted to marry her, but I loved her like a sister. We grew up together just like you did with Cillian. She was the one I ran to when my parents said I would never be enough.”
He shakes his head. “Seeing her blood on that floor reminded me that none of us are good people. Ronan knew I cared for her, which meant I never would have allowed him to hurt her. He wasn’t just punishing you with her death. When he killed her and made me scrub the floor after, it was a warning to me too.”
Nessa doesn’t move, she just watches him as he takes a deep breath. “I never had the balls to do anything about my anger towards him. Always the coward, just like my parents would say. I had all of the flooring replaced so that I didn’t have to stare at the stain her blood left behind, and Ronan was none the wiser.”
Nessa grits her teeth, seeming to swallow past a lump in her throat as she grinds out the words, “Get to the point, Sully.”
He sighs, and I watch Nessa’s shoulders sink a little. “I knew you were alive,” he murmurs. “Your father was an idiot, alwaysspouting off to the wrong people. I overheard that he was keeping it from Ronan, and I did the same.”
Nessa nods, going over to the table to pick up the new, sleek black gun that matches the one she gave Kai.
“Don’t make it quick,” Sullivan says firmly, causing Nessa to spin on her heels.
“Why?” Her tone is harsh, but I can see the crack in her armor. As much as Nessa loves to deal out retribution, she also craves the moment to show small mercies. She wants people to be good under the hate, even if she knows their hearts are black.
“Once he knew you were alive, I panicked. I thought for sure he would find out that I knew. In order to keep him off of my back, I gave him everything. He knows about Kai and the adoption because of me. He knows how to hurt you because of me.”
Nessa looks at me then, a mix of panic and worry on her face. She wanted to make this quick, and he asked for her not to in exchange for the truth. But I can see she doesn’t have the strength to make him hurt and bleed the way he is asking.
“I’ve got this one, Sweetheart,” I say, stepping forward. A knock sounds at the door right before Boris comes strolling in.
It’s our week to be back in Russia again, and Boris got a special room for them in the club while Damien is supposed to teach me some of the managing behind-the-scenes work. Sullivan was a last-minute surprise, brought here by Kia and Lyra, who are now occupying a room of their own.
“Go have some fun,” I tell Nessa before kissing her forehead. She stands on her toes to graze my lips.
“Thank you,” she breathes.
Without a backward glance, she leaves the room, and I turn to Sullivan. Nessa isn’t the only one who knows him; his family has played a big part in Ronan’s gang for decades. They’re silentpartners, feeding him money to ensure their business stays on top in the community.
Nessa said she wanted to make Ronan bleed, and I plan to do just that. Starting with this man.
“Tell me how to take out your family and their businesses,” I demand, picking up one of my favorite obsidian knives that lies next to Damien’s mini sword collection.
Sullivan sighs, and I already know I don’t need to mark him up to get my answers. This is his last opportunity to hurt Ronan; he’ll give me everything because of that alone.
“There is a gala coming up in two weeks. Everyone who silently supports them and their cause will be there. I’m sure you can come up with something.”
I tap the onyx blade to my chin. “If it’s a gala, there will be innocents there. Not really my style.”
He shrugs, as much as he can with his hands bound above his head. “I think the only people there that aren’t actively involved would be the catering staff. Get them out, then blow up the place.”
I eye him skeptically because that is a good plan. Most of the staff would take a break when speeches are being given, and we could send someone in to get them out quietly.
“Why are you helping us?” I ask.
He laughs. “You guys found a way to get out. Do you think I wanted to be there? To be part of all of the shit Ronan and his little gang of perfectionists use to bring fear and poverty to our land? No. But I couldn’t find a way out. So I did what any logical person would do. I made the best of it. I did the best I could at my job so I could live another day.”
He laughs again, but this time it’s more solemn. “Another meaningless day.”
Well, feck a pickle. I have an insane idea. I know, right? So unlike me. But here I am, bringing all the genius plans and making them happen.