Page 106 of Crimson Flames

It’s nice because there’s a pool there for the girls to be able to play in while we relax on the loungers. I was thinking about a massage, but the last time I did that, my whole world flipped upside down. While I know the two events aren’t related, I’m just not ready yet. At least I’ll be getting my nails done with Laney and the girls.

“To get out of a house full of boys? Yes,” I say, practically jumping into the passenger seat of the bright pink G-Wagon. Evie is in the back between the twins. “How are you girls?”

“Princess day,” says Ami contentedly.

Ani smiles, putting her head down. “Pretty nails.”

“Do you know what color you’re planning to get?” I ask.

“Rainbow,” Ami replies with so much confidence it makes me chuckle. I look at Ani, who just shrugs.

“Do you want all the colors too?” I ask, curious as to what has her so shy.

She glances at Laney, who leans over and kisses her on the head before shutting the door. When she gets into the driver’s seat, she throws on her seatbelt and glances back at the little girl who has stolen her heart. They both have, really.

“Ani wants black, but Ami made fun of her for it this morning.” I look over to her sister. “We don’t do that, do we Ami?”

The feisty twin crosses her arms, but eventually her face softens as she turns to her sister. “Sorry, Ani.”

Evie nudges Ani. “I was going to get black too. Want to see if they will paint little skulls on there for us?”

Ani's face lights up as Laney snorts over Evie getting her nails done now that she’s found she has a buddy with the same style. Leave it to these two girls to change our lives even more, but in all the best ways.


Our nails are done, massages complete, and now we’re sipping on drinks as the twins explore the sandbox. Laney had to show them that the sand wasn’t scary, but once another girl started building a castle, they were immediately interested.

For two girls who were terrified of us and water just a few months ago, this is huge progress.

“How are Akio and Adrian doing with the transition into becoming parents?” Evie asks Laney.

She smiles over her cup as she looks back at Ami and Ani. “They are really doing amazing. I know I never wanted kids, but being the fun aunt who lives right next door is perfect for us. When Akio and Adrian need a break or want to go to our club, I can hop over and watch them. Havoc loves to take them out into the back yard and run fun obstacle courses with them, and Arrow is all about the Disney movies. I think I’ve seen Frozen fifty times now.”

“That’s nice they have you when they need space,” I say, thinking about how last night Kai walked in on the three of us about to start something in the living room.

Who knew once you had a kid that you couldn’t just have sex out in the open anymore?

Oh my god, my inner thoughts just had a Cillian moment. I need to calm down.

“What’s wrong, Ness? How are things with Kai?” Laney questions.

“They’re great. From the moment I met him, he just seemed to fit with us. Now that he’s part of the family, I feel like a newfound peace has settled between us all. Like Kai was our missing piece in some way, if that makes sense?”

I love Kai, yet I’ve struggled to say those words to him. I still fear that once I accept him, he’ll be taken away from me. I don’t want to keep him at arm’s length. So, I try to show him with my actions how I feel instead of my words.

He knows I care about him, and I know he cares about me. The rest will come when we’re both ready.

It’s been different getting used to having a kid around. I love that he isn’t really a child, but I also yearn to bring back some of his childhood. Even though Cillian and Boris want to fight me on it every time.

Drawing boundaries with our world is the only way I know to keep him safe, and yet, he blows past them because he wants to protect me. I can only hope our new trackers bring him the sense of peace he needs, and maybe I’ll be able to relax too.

“You should go to the club on Sundays, and we’ll hang out with Kai. Alexi has been asking to spend time with his new brother; Damien even suggested we find a way to bond with him,” Evie says.

“Really? That would actually be great. I could do inventory, and then since it’s our slow night, I could get a room with the guys. They would love that. Cillian is struggling with not being able to go at it like dogs wherever he pleases; it’s driving me insane.”

Laney and Evie snort. “What?”

Evie shakes her head while Laney answers for them both. “Driving you insane with frustration, or is he using it as a way to edge you?”