Page 87 of Crimson Flames

She laughs. “Something like that. You ready to see one of the things I love?”

I can’t help but nod. Seeing her so happy is incredible; I never want it to end. The engine roars to life, the seat under me vibrating in a way that has me startling over the power.

“Flair isn’t any normal car,” Nessa says, taking off down the road while shifting gears and picking up speed. The long driveway is eaten up in seconds. She doesn’t slow down when we get to the turn, at least not enough that I notice.

Grabbing onto the handle next to me, I gasp as the car’s front somehow stays where it is, and the back is drifting, putting us perfectly onto the road before shifting to pick up even more speed.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” I’m quite literally shaking in my seat.

When she throws her head back with a bark of laughter, I can’t help but look over. Nessa has one hand on the steering wheel, her hair thrown back from the force of our speed, and the smile of pure freedom on her face.

If flying were possible, that’s what Nessa is doing. It’s like she’s caught the drift of the wind and nothing can stop her.

“Trust me, Kai. If I know anything, it’s how to handle my car.”

She weaves around traffic before pulling off to a side road with a blockade at the front.

“I’m not reckless, and I would never risk your life,” she says. A man moves in front of us, removing the red and white stand from the road.

Nessa brings the car forward, waving at him before he places it back in its place behind us.

“When we were looking for you guys,” she starts, her two hands are on the wheel now as she stares ahead, “I would comehere often. It was a road that didn’t ice much and was well-maintained. Not many people use it anymore since the town on the other side of here has grown. The highway is the main way to travel, so I don’t feel bad when I need to ask Boris to close it down for me to blow off some steam and get my head right.”

Timid eyes connect with mine. “I want to show you this part of me, but not if you don’t feel safe. Do you feel safe, Kai?”

Glancing to the road, then back at her, my white knuckled hand leaves the handle, and I take a deep breath. “You always make me feel safe. I trust you. I want to see this part of you.”

Her shoulders sag as if she needed to hear those words. “I know you call Alexi Batman and that you love his car. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great car, but it can’t do what Flair can.”

She places her hand on the stick between us, then grins widely as she looks at the road ahead. When I face forward, it feels as if we’re taking off on a rocket ship headed for the moon. It’s when we approach the first turn that my stomach sinks. Our wheels graze the edge of a drop before sliding back onto the road.

“Radioactive” by Pentatonix and Lindsey Sterling reaches the crescendo in the speakers surrounding us. The violin building with the beat as my heart seems to accept the adrenaline high, and I start to sing along with the music. Nessa does the same, turning up the volume as we belt out the lyrics.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like this before. The music creates an electricity under my skin that the thunder of the engine seems to meet with fervor. I’m still shaking, but for an all new reason now.

It’s like the feeling of freedom and the high of life have combined to create something akin to a reawakening. And that’s how I feel right now. Like this is a new beginning. It may be scary, and none of us know what will happen next, but we have each other.

We have together.

Hope fills me as I look over at my new mom. A real life, one with the promise of a future of my choosing. And I can’t help but be incredibly thankful for everything I now havebecause of her.

Chapter 33

Lev notified us last night that he thinks he’s found the second camp Ronan set up. It was difficult to hunt down because it was registered as a boarding school but was purchased right before we found the children at the first camp. Since Kai knows Ronan had to move locations and was able to identify a few of the guards Lev caught on camera, we now know this is the place we need to be looking at.

Lev sent drones to scout the area, and we’re all gathered together to plan in the kitchen. Laney is going to stay back with Akio and Adrian so they can watch over the kids. She’s going tokeep Az here with Bella since Damien wants to use explosives and doesn’t want to hurt the pup’s ears.

Dr. K will be here alongside Doc should anything go wrong. I fought to have Doc come with us, but Alexi mentioned that if this is a distraction and someone plans to move in to try to take these kids back, then having a doctor for possible injuries is more important.

Boris argued that it was having Doc with us that saved Nessa, but Nessa said she would rather he be back in Norway just in case.

Needless to say, this meeting has been more of us disagreeing than actually figuring out our movements.

“We need to get to them now,” Nessa argues as Alexi pulls up a document for us to make notes on.

“No,” Alexi argues. “We went in fast the last time. This time we are going to have a plan. We are going to have more drones and technology, and we are going to keep everyone safe.”

He glares at her, and Boris comes to her side. “He is right,Lisichka. We will not risk losing you again.”