Page 79 of Crimson Flames

Keeping Enya in my sights, I race behind her. Each time she glances back, it’s like a slow motion video. Her perfectly pale skin, those bright brown eyes, and the smile of an angel.

The air around me begins to shift, and I feel like our time is coming to an end. I reach out, needing to touch her one last time, but the scene in front of me changes.

We’re no longer running through a field. Instead, we are in a small cottage. There is a fireplace in the corner as Enya sits in a rocking chair, holding a small bundle in a blanket while feeding them a bottle.

“W-who is that?” My voice trembles as I approach, sitting in the chair beside her as light red hair peeks over the blanket.

“It’s your daughter, silly. Sweet, perfect, beautiful little Aiden.”

Enya sets the bottle to the side and turns the baby so she is facing me. Suddenly, she shifts from an infant to a toddler that has my hair, Boris’ eyes, and Cillian’s exact same smile.

My breath stutters in my lungs as I reach for the perfect girl. She looks at Enya, then climbs down from her lap and walks to me.

“Hey, Mama.”

I can’t help the tears that stream down my face. She is perfect in every way, and I never want to let her go as my armsenvelop her. A heartbeat passes before she begins to fight my prolonged embrace just like a toddler would.

“I want to go play, Mama.”

Toys appear on the floor between us, causing her to squeal in delight. I watch in fascination as she picks up a little horse and begins making it gallop around.

“How is this happening?” I breathe.

“We thought you needed a little help,” Enya says, reaching for my hand. I take hers, feeling our fingers thread together in a way I haven’t felt in so long.

“I miss you so much,” I admit. Her soft smile is like a caress to my heart.

“We’re watching you, Ness. Do what you need to do, I’ve got her. When you’re ready, we’ll both be here,”

I stare at my little girl, who looks just like her fathers. I know it’s impossible for her to biologically be both of theirs, but it doesn’t feel that way here. She is theirs just as she is mine.

A giggle breaks free from her lips, making mine tremble. “What if I’m ready now?”

“You’re not.”

My head jerks to face her as my brows pinch. “How do you know that?”

Enya shrugs while squeezing my hand. “Because you haven’t done what you promised.”

“What’s that?” I ask as I feel this moment begin to fade. The house around us becomes blurry, as if this window between the realms is closing. Keeping my eyes fixated on my baby until the last second, I silently beg for an answer needing to know what will bring me closer to seeing them again.

“You still have to burn it all to the ground.”

The dream fades quickly, and my eyes flutter open to see out into the vast blue ocean. I feel Boris roll over behind me, his arm snaking around my waist.

“Bad dream?” he asks, kissing my shoulder.

I wipe the tears I didn’t realize were falling. “No. It was a really good dream.”

“What about?” Cillian’s rough morning voice asks as he scoots closer to my front, kissing my forehead.

“I saw them, and they’re okay. They’re together.”

No other words need to be spoken as a newfound peace begins to settle over us. With renewed energy, a part of my soul reignites.

I am going to burn it all down. For them.

Chapter 29