Page 54 of Crimson Tears

I can sense both of my men on either side of me before everything goes blank and my last thought drifts through my head.

Who the feck are these people?

Chapter 16

It is pretty rare that I regret my decisions. However, the moment I saw Nessa being grabbed by masked men, regret instantly filled me. My shoulder burns with the impact of whatever those guns were shooting at us.

She fought with all she had, her brass knuckles embedding themselves into the faces of anyone who got close. But she was hit with some kind of tranq dart, and all too soon, I watched her fall between Boris and me.

I’m not sure if we’re all feeling this way, but while I feel tired and can’t move much, I am acutely aware of the voices aroundus. My eyes may be closed, but I memorize everything they’re saying. I knew the man I shot was one of Nessa’s father's men, but the mixed accents around us now have me questioning who’s really behind this.

It was clear based on the accounts we found that Nessa’s father had purchased some of the children and has been funding the operation, but his direct involvement like this was not clear. He looked to be just a silent investor, now it is apparent that he is much more than that if his men are on the ground here.

How did they even know we were coming? Does he know Nessa is alive?

So many questions roll around in my mind as I feel us being jostled around. From what I can tell, we’re in a large car. I try to keep track of the time, counting the seconds in my head and attempting to remember the turns based on the way my body moves. The only relief I have is that I can still feel Nessa and Boris close, as if we’re all laying together in the back of a van or something.

This is just a guess, but I can smell her, which is enough to calm the thoughts threatening to consume me. Too much time passes for me to keep track, but I do hear the men around us say something about the total travel time being close to ten hours.

Do you know what it’s like to be locked in your head for hours at a time? It’s feckin’ torture. Like for real. I have nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company as we’re transported to feck knows where, and it is terrifying. Is this how people feel when I speak my mind?

I actually feel a little bit bad for them.

I mean, make no mistake, I have zero plans of changing in any way. But at least now I understand why people look at me with confusion marred with fear. I'm even a little disturbed.

As time passes, the voices surrounding me become more distinct, and that’s when dread begins to creep in.

“He wants us to hurt her. Keep her isolated from them.”

“How isolated?”

“Bunker number four should be fitting. I think I have an idea. The bitch deserves to pay first though.”

“He’ll be angry if you kill her.”

A heavy scoff and what sounds like slamming on a car hood comes next. “I won’t kill her. But he wants her broken. He wants a toy that will kneel.”

“He needs her to be able to breathe and walk, don’t forget that. I know this girl. She’s going to test you. Do not let your anger cloud your judgment.”

Another bang followed by some mumbling. I can’t tell what they say next. My head feels like it’s swimming.

Internally, I try to scream or fight, but all of my muscles feel as if they weigh a thousand pounds. All I can do is shout in my mind as I fight to hear everything they plan to do to my girl.

This is all my fault. If we had stayed back and I hadn’t insisted we rush in to save the kids, we wouldn’t be here.

The more I hear them discusshisplans, bile begins to rise in my throat. They try to lift my body first, but then I feel myself being dragged. I’m not that big of a guy, so if they can’t lift me, then that speaks volumes about how capable these men really are.

My eyes crack open when I hear footsteps approach and I’m thrown over someone’s strong shoulders. It’s honestly the worst view I could have woken up to. A man’s ass flexing as I am carried down a few flights of stairs.

It’s kind of a nice ass though. Not as perfect as mine but definitely muscular. Feck. I told you my head was a scary place to be.

Just before they carry me into a cell, I decide to execute a plan of my own. I need to know a little more about where we are, so I move a little in the man’s hold, causing him to pause. It’s enoughfor me to jerk my body to the side and throw him off balance. The guy drops me and I quickly stand back up.

I won’t have long, and based on how narrow the stairs are, there is no way I will get back up without being caught. This stupid gobshite drugged us with something nausea-inducing, so I use that to my advantage. I vomit all over the men heading towards me.

They jump back, stunned for a split second, and I take advantage of the moment and try to run. If I can see the stairs more clearly, then maybe I can find a way out of here for us.

I make it to the first step when I feel a pinch in the back of my neck. All of the strength I could feel returning is wiped away in an instant, along with my ability to stay awake any longer.