Scaring people is one of my favorite pastimes.
Slapping another few hundreds in his hand, I give him a pat on the shoulder.
“Did good, kiddo,” I say. He looks in his hands, then back at me before running off, making me chuckle.
Nessa had no idea I was hiding in the rafters above the stage during the show, watching her face the entire time. The awe, the wonder, the joy, and the sadness on her face was a sight to behold, making me even happier that I chose to tag along tonight.
I thought for sure I was going to come in my pants watching Boris go down on her a second time, but there was something that held me back.
He knew I was there.
When Boris notices my car, he rolls his eyes.
“Got something to say, Old Man?” The doors flip up, opening automatically for us.
“You think I do not see when you turn your nose up at my nice things, yet you have a two hundred and twenty thousand dollar McLaren Shark?”
He shakes his head like a disappointed father, a look I am beginning to become accustomed to from him. I slide into my seat and the doors close themselves, sealing us in as I rev the engine, smiling at him like a rebellious teen.
“I have one nice thing,everythingyou have is nice.”
He turns in his seat to face me. “What is wrong with that?”
I think about that as I pull onto the main road because that’s a good question. Typically, I don’t like people who have nice things because they either treat me like I’m less than them, not knowing I could easily slit their throat before they could blink. Or because they believe their wealth makes them superior to everyone else in general.
However, now that I think about it, Boris isn’t like that. He doesn’t treat me like I’m less than. He opened up his home to me, his chef, and anything else I could need without me having to ask for any of it. Even in his perfectly tailored suit, he didn’t walk three steps ahead of me just to create distance between us.
He is different, and he deserves to be told that.
“With you, maybe there isn’t anything wrong with it. I made a judgment in the beginning, and it turns out I was wrong.”
That seems to stump him, which I love. So naturally, I continue.
“At first, it was me looking at everything and trying to picture how Ness fit into all of it. Growing up, she was always one to get down and dirty with the boys, barefoot outside, learning to shoot in the mud, and she loved every moment of it.”
I make a sharp turn onto the highway, taking the car to high speeds.
“Here, she’s different. At first, I assumed it was because you made her that way, but now I am realizing maybe this is who she wanted to be all along. Not someone obsessed with nice things or status, but someone who now feels safe enough to enjoy all of the things her father didn’t force on her.”
I keep my eyes trained on the road, weaving between cars as we head back to the house. I am almost certain we will beat Nessa back at this point, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Want to get a milkshake?” I ask, exiting to a place I found here the other day while exploring the town.
Boris must seem to understand what I’m thinking. He needs time to process what happened, and I need to get another taste in my mouth that isn’t my girl before I jack off with him in the car.
I have zero shame, I would do it.
“That sounds good,” Boris says, swiping a hand down his face.
“She’s going to be okay, Old Man. She just needs a minute,” I say, trying to lighten the mood a bit. The poor man looks like he’s about to have a heart attack.That can’t be good at his age, right?
“I am not that old.” His face flushes red though. “I recently turned fifty-two. Yet, I can still outrun you in the gym, and I can lift more than you on a regular basis.”
“You sure about that?” I taunt, just to rile him up because I know he’s right.
I nearly hurt myself the other day trying to keep up with his routine. For as much shite as I’ve been giving him, the dude is stacked and has the skill to back up the strength.
“I am positive.”