Page 165 of Crimson Tears

The minute they see the car, they start to cry. We all look around at each other, but it’s Damien who saves the day.

“Hey girls, don’t cry. Az will go with you, would you like that?”

Their little sniffles break my heart as Damien helps them in the car. They don’t seem to settle until Az gets in and practically lays on top of them.

“I’ve got this,” Damien says. Evie kisses him before he closes the door. It will be good to have him at the house with the kids anyway. He will help bring some order to the chaos eruptingthere while also keeping things light hearted and fun for the kiddos.

I look at Kai as we head to where the men should be.

“They are alive because of you, aren’t they?” I ask him.

His returning expression is bashful. “I tried to protect them all.”

“What happened to them? They’re so small.”

Kai shakes his head, his jaw tensing with anger.

“Their parents sold them when they were five. Ami knows only a few words, and Ani isn’t much better. I found out most of their story during the little playtime we got when they were willing to open up. Don’t be fooled by how small they are though, those girls can fight, especially if the other is threatened.”

While I was hoping we could send all of the children back to their families, I was afraid this might be the case with a few. I can’t imagine those two little ones fighting. Yet, something tells me that’s the whole point.

Chapter 51

The second I hear Nessa’s voice, I step out of the small building. I do not want her to see this and do not want Kai to be around it. It is bad enough he knows where and what this is.

Evie walks past me with a worried expression, but I let her make her own choice here. Nessa, however, I pull to the side of the building.

“I do not think you should go in there.”

She nods, Kai staying right by her side. The kid looks between us. “The kids in there were considered weak because they stillwished to go back to their families and tried to escape by hiding instead of fighting.”

My chest aches knowing the calls we will have to make the following days. I try to change the subject in order to distract us from what is happening on the other side of those walls.

“The boys’ bus arrived at the house, and they are getting settled in. The chef is there making meals so they can have something if they wish. Kai, Nessa can take you as soon as the car arrives.”

We had almost everyone covering the kids for fear of losing them again, now two of my guys are headed back to get Nessa and Kai while Cillian and I plan to retrieve my car.

Nessa hugs me, her body releasing a long breath.

“We got them.”

Equal parts sadness and joy are reflected in her tone, and the feeling is mutual.

“We will protect them.”

Kai clears his throat after a minute.

“Is he your dad?” he asks Nessa. I expel an exasperated sigh as Nessa laughs.

“No, he’s my… mine, I guess.”

I place my arm around her shoulders and kiss her on the head. The boy shrugs and then looks at me.

“What about the other guy?”

He shoots his thumb over his shoulder towards Cillian, who’s walking out, his face nearly green.

“He’s mine too,” Nessa says with a broad smile.