Page 124 of Crimson Tears

Boris scoffs. “I had him tortured for every bit of information he could give, but the poor bastard happened to die in the process.”

That actually sounds about right.

“Did he cry?”

A gleam, one I get to see so rarely, shines in Boris’ eyes. “He sobbed like a baby, even pissed himself twice.”

That’s all I needed to know. “Sláinte,” I say as I lift my glass in cheers. “To keeping our girl safe and destroying those who thought they could ever lay a finger on her.”

He lifts his glass, and the clink that rings out feels like so much more than two men sitting in a room of luxury making a deal. It is a death sentence to anyone who dares mess with what is ours.

Chapter 35

When Nessa arrived home, she was hungover and wanted to lay in bed. Cillian joined her, and I could hear them enjoying themselves, but I had some business needs to take care of.

Alexi called me last night to inform me that our money launderer was disgruntled over his five million salary to keep my books up to date. He thought it was a brilliant idea to start skimming off the top. Quite ridiculous, in my opinion.

A little digging found that he was not only stealing money, but the same Brad that Nessa put in line the other day was also trying to take what is mine.

He had a plan to steal two of my businesses from me, but what he failed to realize was that my people are loyal. After everything that happened with Alexi’s wife, we cleaned out all members who were considered on the fence about the organization and its leadership.

I did not kill them, but I did give them a one time pass to leave and never come back. If they do try to return or interfere with my business, they are to be shot on site.

So, I must admit that I was quite surprised when someone thought they could go behind my back, attack me and my businesses, and walk away scot-free.

Now my money launderer is dead, and I need a new one. Which brings me to Brad.


“Am I speaking to Brad? Or should I say, Bradley Thatcher? Thirty-four years old, type A positive blood, and has a knack for cheating on his wife with men at the club about six or seven blocks from their townhome in the city.”

Silence.Exactly. I am the boss, so I do not often have to get my hands dirty. I know how to torture, but I save it for when there is an itch I cannot scratch. I am the man in charge but also can be silent until I need to be heard. As it turns out, Bradley needs to hear what I am about to say.

“W-who is this?”

I let out a malicious laugh—a dark noise that I am used to seeing people cower under.

“Your employer, Bradley. The only one that matters. Not only did you argue and speak down to my woman, but you thought you could overthrow me from your seat in a tower miles below mine?”

“Boris…Mr. Mikhaus? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. This has to be some kind of mistake. I would never…”

“Anderson Solace,” I state the name of my now-deceased launderer to see what his reaction would be.

“I-I have never heard of him.”

I sit forward in my chair. “So the photographic evidence I have of you meeting with him in his downtown apartment two nights ago is fabricated? Along with the recording of the entire conversation?”

The last part is a bluff, but I need to know if Anderson told the truth in his final hours or if he embellished anything.

“Look, I was only working with him so I could tell you what was happening on the inside.” His voice cracks, giving away his lies. “You should know he wasn’t the only one in on this. It was my assistant that brought the idea to me.”

I know that is false. Keri is a loyal woman because I paid for her child’s cancer treatments all last year. I still receive email updates about him now that he is cancer free and thriving.

Not to mention, her husband is on Damien’s alpha team, and they are required to keep their phones on them at all times. Phones that Lev has access to and can use to sniff out anyone who could have ulterior motives.

“That’s not what the recording says, Bradley. It was your partner in marketing who brought you the idea, to which you arrogantly thought you could move against me without consequence. Do you truly have no idea who I am?”

His voice begins to shake, no doubt realizing he messed up. I did not get to my position as the most notorious mafia boss in all of Europe and Asia by not doing my homework on my people.