Page 106 of Crimson Tears

Okay, this might be the coolest guy I have ever met.

“Fuck yeah!” He looks surprised that I know that information, but who could possibly forget the name of one of their childhood hero’s swords?

“Evie had it made for me.” Damien continues as we walk down the stairs. “It issick. But it was so heavy, once you got a good swing in, it would just go straight through your victim before you got the chance to ask him any questions.”

That makes sense. Swords were weighted for battle and quick long movements. Not the type of precision required for torture. I nod along as he tells me about how he was legitimately Knighted and has a certificate and everything. By the time we make it to the basement where the torture rooms are located, I think I might be in love with this man.

He walks me to the back wall where all of the miniature replicas of the most famous swords are stored in a glass case.

“That one is Leggbit from the…”

“Famous Magnus Barefoot, the legendary Viking king of Norway,” I finish for him, opening the case to touch the metal.

Damien claps me on the shoulder. “I knew I liked you.”

I scoff, turning back to look at the copy of Excalibur.

“You hated me when we first met.”

Damien grabs his chest in mock offense while I continue to peruse his collection. “That is not true. I just didn’t want you usingmygirl to makeyoursjealous.”

Well shit, he just straight up called me out. Rude. Ever heard of bro code, bro? Even if it is toxic masculinity at its finest.

“I had to get her attention.” I shrug, picking up the Sword of Mercy also known as Curtana. It has a blunt end to symbolize mercy and is typically used in the coronation of British kings and queens. I’m perplexed as to why it’s here.

“What do you use this one for? This sword is basically useless.”

Damien snickers, grabbing it from my hand and pressing the circle on the center of the handle. Immediately, a needle pops out from the tip. I can invision it sliding under the nails of the people who have wronged us as they scream in agony.Howfitting is its name, the sword of mercy will bring no hope to our prisoners.

“Woah!” He hands it back to me, and I take a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship. I’m going to need the name of the man that makes these.

“Not so useless after all.”

I nod in agreement, pressing the button again to retract it. I’m so caught up in the talk about swords that I forget to be paranoid about Nessa. Glancing back, I see her watching me intently with Evie and Boris at her side.

“For what it’s worth,” Damien whispers, “I’m glad you two found each other. Daddy B scared me for a bit there, but it seems like he’s coming around.”

I have to hold myself back from laughing at this ridiculous nickname.

“He’s making her happy, and that’s all that matters to me.”

“Good answer, bro.” Damien winks at me before walking over to the first room next to Nessa. Alexi’s here too, along with a white-haired guy I guess is Lev, if the way he guards Evie is anything to go by.

Lev kisses Evie on the forehead before muttering that he’ll be watching surveillance for the night in the private rooms. Evie nods, but I get the feeling more is going on than they’re saying.

Oh well, all I care about is my girl getting back a little bit of the justice she deserves for herself tonight.

“Should we be worried Damien and Cillian are getting along?” Evie asks Nessa in a whisper-yell.

My girl grins as she looks back at me, knowing full well I can hear her. “They are two peas in a pod. I’m worried we might have to start coordinating sleepovers soon.”

Jerk. Okay, okay, she isn’t wrong. If he has mini-swords this cool, I wonder what other kinds of weapons they might have at their place.

Damien gets everyone’s attention as he taps on the first door. “This room contains Philip. He is half dead already from the shots Daddy B got into him, but Doc has ensured that he’s stayed alive and struggling until now.”

Nessa and I look at each other, but she just rolls her eyes. I have to ask though. “Who is Philip?”

“The mouthy one.” Damien acts like I should have any idea what he’s talking about.