But now is not the time to make jokes. We have an illegal operation to take down.Not that we’re about to operate in a legal way or anything. But we all need to be on our A-game here to kill some bitchass child abducting motherfuckers.
Nessa is the best sharp shooter I’ve ever met, so the goal is for us to get to the center of the property and get her on the roof.
Once we’re in position, Az and I will guard her while she helps the team pick off the security guards one by one outside of the perimeter.
I glance over to Nessa as she adjusts her gear so that some of it helps cover her stomach. I hope she knows we all would jump in front of a bullet for her, even Az. Actually, he might beat us all to it because she’s the one that brings him his favorite treats.
Az walks up to Nessa and presses his nose to her stomach, looking up at her as if he can sense something. She smiles down at him before scratching behind his ears just the way he likes. The traitor forgets I’m even alive when she’s in the room, a lot like he does with Evie.
Rude little fucker.
“We got this,” I whisper, holding out my fist.
She fist bumps me with a smile, and we raise our guns as we begin our descent into enemy territory. Nessa has two long range rifles on her back and a bright red hand gun she kisses, and I swear she calls it Jessica.
I love it when I’m not the only insane one in a group.
The grass is tall, which gives us an advantage, especially at night. It also helps that a drone is following us while my hot-as-fuck husband orders me around in my ear too.
“Take a left up ahead. Go around the trees but stay hidden in the shadows,” Lev directs us over comms.
I signal to Az to stay low in the grass, and he immediately hunches his shoulders and gets lower to the ground. I nod to Nessa and she stays in front of us.
We get down to the building and flatten ourselves against the wall. Nessa has the job of staying alert while I take out our two targets. She is a force to be reckoned with, even with a handgun. But we’ve had the unfortunate experience of people sneaking up on us while we take out our main targets, and we don’t want to get caught with our hands down our pants again.Twice is just embarrassing.
Evie gave me a throwing blade when she was helping me practice new techniques, so I take that and my .22 with a silencer. It’s a small gun, but the best choice if you need to remain utterly silent. Plus, the bullets are too weak to penetrate the shipping containers the kids are being held in, so we don’t have to worry about stray bullets hitting them.
A child-like scream startles us, sounding like it is just a few yards away. We freeze and I glance at Nessa who has a new set of determination on her face. The guards we’re supposed to take out turn their attention away from the building and towards the sound, giving me the best window of opportunity.
I let the blade fly before taking aim with the gun. It hardly makes a swoosh, and I know my knife strikes true when no sound comes from behind me.
Evie definitely owes me a sexy strip show with a blow job for that shot.
Both men fall to the ground, and Nessa snickers under her breath as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Nice shot there, Sunny,” she says in a soft voice as we make our way up the stairs located on the outside of the building.
I grin at her, loving her new nickname for me ever since she heard Evie call me Sunshine.
I think both are quite fitting to my personality. I’m as bright as a motherfucking star after all.
We get to the roof in record time. Except, instead of setting up where we discussed, Nessa heads to the other side of thebuilding, aiming her scope where the scream came from. She must see something pretty terrifying in her sights because she gasps.
“Oh feck,” she breathes before dropping her weapon and looking at me with pleading eyes. “We have to do something.”
Chapter 48
My scope centers on a boy who can’t be much older than thirteen. He has his hands up but his jaw is set. Wavy black hair falls into his eyes, reminding me of Cillian, but his tanned skin is different. Bright golden hazel eyes, like mine, stare down the barrel of a gun, no fear in sight.
A fire lights up the scene just behind them. The smoke is thankfully wafting in the opposite direction, so there is clear visibility from all sides.
Two men stand on either side of the kid, the one holding the gun directly in front of him with another man behind him yellingat the kid. My heart races with anxiety as I fear we only have seconds left to make a choice.
Feckin’ shite on a shark.
I can’t take out one without alerting the other three that someone is here.
Dammit. We have to change the plan.