I look at Cillian and Boris, realizing they already knew why we’d been summoned.
“Go,” Cillian urges.
That surprises me because he’s usually not one to be happy about me being out of his sight.
“We have the whole place booked and security surrounding the building,” Boris says.
“And Lev gave me access to the cameras from my phone,” Cillian adds, stalking up to me.
He leans in to whisper in my ear. “Careful how loud you moan during that massage, Love. I might just have to remind you who makes you feel the best when you get home.”
I shake my head as Boris hands me a bag. Both of my men kiss me goodbye while Evie grabs her stuff. It’s sweet that they planned this for us, and I wasn’t joking that my body needs it.
For the past two weeks I’ve felt strange, but Doc believes my body is trying to find its new normal after all of the trauma I’ve been through. Coming off of all the prescribed medications and adjusting to life again with all of this scarring is extremely difficult.
I asked Evie about it and she said that her scars felt the same way for a year, like something inside of her was threatening to snap just under her skin. At least I know I’m not alone.
We head to the spa, chatting about anything and everything unrelated to the mission. It is nice just to have girl time again, especially after being surrounded by guys day in and day out.
Once we enter, we put on the soft robes and head to separate massage rooms. I may or may not end up moaning a few times when the woman really gets the knots out of my shoulders, some of it real and some just to get a rise out of Cillian. I swear she massaged away decades-old tension.
After a quick soak in the private jacuzzi tub, Evie and I meet up next to the pool where some fancy champagne cocktails and lunch are brought to us.
“So, how are things with Cillian?”
Hiding my smile behind the rim of my glass, I respond, “Really good.”
I feel incredible—dressed only in our soft robes, hair wrapped up in towels from being washed with oils and our scalps freshly scrubbed.
“And Boris?” She gives me a look that tells me she wants all the details, so I spill.
“Perfect. Honestly, I never understood what you and Laney had, but I feel like I really do now. They both bring out a different side of me, and it makes me strive to be a better person. I can’t help but think it will all be taken away from me soon, but I promised myself to enjoy it while it lasts.”
My stomach churns at possibly being too vulnerable, but this is Evie. She’s safe to tell these things to.
“I’m happy for you. I knew after I saw how they both looked at you that you would get there one day.”
She laughs, taking a large bite of her sandwich and speaking with her mouth full. “They mark their territory harder than Alexi sometimes, and that’s saying something.”
We giggle together. “I think I love them, both of them. Is that weird?”
Evie squints at me. I realize how dumb that question is to her, but I had to say it out loud.
After she’s finished giving me a blank stare, she swallows her very large mouthful and says, “I married three men, Ness. If I know anything for certain, it’s that it’s possible to love more than one person with all of your heart.”
I take another sip of the fizzy drink, feeling the bubbles all the way down to my toes. I almost feel dizzy because it’s so delicious and sweet.
“Do your men have a schedule for sexy time?” I’m anxious about handling the two of them. When it was just Boris and me, we were having sex once to three times a day. I can’t imagine how sore I’ll be if Cillian wants the same thing. I don’t even know if I could handle four times a day.
Evie cracks up, setting her empty tray to the side, and I do the same with my half empty one.
“No girl, we just take it day by day. We tried a schedule, but honestly that created extra work for us. It’s not just about the sex anyway, it’s about spending time together. We each have our things that bring us joy and we share them. That is what I think makes us work.”
I nod. “Like what?”
Evie thinks for a minute. “With Lev, we’ll go to his studio and paint together or sketch. I’m not good, but he likes it when I’mthere with him, and I like the serenity of his space. Damien and I will wrestle or workout together. He loves hitting the bag, so we will make games out of combinations.”
She takes a drink, her cheeks turning pink as she continues. “Alexi and I like to spend time at the cabin and go for runs in the woods. He cooks for us and we’ll sit in front of the fire together to read a book. Sometimes, we will even have a round of target practice.”