“I don’t even know if I can eat anything.”
“Then get a drink. A virgin, of course.” She’s all excited, and I’m ruining it. “Come on, we’ll have fun. When was the last time you went out?”
“Um, I have no idea.”
She drags me up the rest of the way, while all I’m thinking about is the baby I’m going to have. It’s only been three days since I found out, and the shock hasn’t worn off.
As soon as we enter, two girls wave at us.
“Great, they’re here!” Emily waves back.
Oh, goody…
Meeting new people is not my favorite. There’s usually conversation involved about where I’m going to college, and I either have to lie or tell the truth and slowly die of mortification.
I stuff these thoughts away and promise to make the best of it for Emily’s sake. A maître d’ leads us to a table, where two girls stare at me with huge grins.
“Ladies, this is Amara, my best friend in the world.”
“So good to meet you! I’m Lilith. Emily hasn’t stopped talking about you since the moment we met.” She glances at Emily, her large brown eyes taking me in. She’s pretty with shoulder-length dark hair and a slim, angular face.
“And I’m Patricia.” The other girl runs a finger through her short blonde hair. “We’re thrilled to meet you.”
“Thanks. I’m happy to meet both of you.”
They sip on their drinks, quietly taking me in, before Lilith asks, “So, where do you go to college?”
Great. Here we go. It didn’t even take five minutes before the question hit.
“Oh, um…I actually don’t go to college.” As I play with my straw, my vision bounces between my water and the girl.
Emily tightens a hand around my knee.
“Oh, why?” Patricia’s green eyes narrow, and I swear they remind me of Fionn’s.
How badly I want to see you again. To tell you about the baby.
If it is his, I don’t even know if he’d be happy. Probably not, considering we don’t even know each other. But if there’s a chance he wants to be a part of his child’s life, then I want that too. Bet he’d be a great dad.
I tried looking for him after the money, but neither Emily nor I could locate him. It’s like he doesn’t want to be found.
I’ll have to tell Xander, though. Hopefully he’ll agree to a paternity test. There’s no way I want him to be a part of my child’s life, but I also can’t just not tell him. If he is the father, then he deserves to know. I wouldn’t do that to my baby.
“I didn’t finish high school,” I finally answer.
Both of the girls stare at me like I’ve just told them the world is about to explode.
“Oh…” Lilith attempts to hide her shock. “Do you plan to get your GED?”
“Maybe.” I shrug, wanting this line of questioning to stop. “But I do work, and I really need to find a second job, actually.”
“Why?” Her thin brows crease.
Emily’s gaze fills with sympathy. But screw it. Everyone’s going to know sooner or later.