Page 141 of The Devil's Deal

“Can you stop sounding like a moron and tell me what the hell is going on?”

“Nothing.Much. We came to a very mutually beneficial arrangement. She’s happy. I’m happy. Be happy, Chiara.”

“We haven’t spoken in fifteen years, jerkface. I don’t know you enough to be happy you married my cousin. And for what? Another form of revenge against my demented family?”

“You and your cousin are anything but demented, and I have done nothing she didn’t want me to. Believe me.” I can just see him smiling all arrogantly.

“You’re not keeping her locked away like he did me, are you? Because I swear—”

“I’ve not hurt a beautiful hair on her body. She’s doing just fine. Free as a bird…of sorts.”

“Let me speak to her. Now. Or I’ll show up at your house with a blowtorch, and I’ll start with those nice cars I’m sure you drive.”

His voice grows silent, and I look down at my phone to make sure he didn’t hang up. He’s still there.

“Dante. Where is she?”

He pulls in a heavy sigh. “She’s here at the house, lying out by the pool. I haven’t hurt her. I don’t intend to.”

“Great.” I roll my eyes, completely irritated. “Let me talk to her and confirm that. Your word means very little.”

“Only if you promise me one thing.”

“Depends on what it is.”

“Don’t tell her about who we are and how we know your family.”

I sneer. “Excuse me?”

“If she finds out from you, she’ll never forgive me.”

“Good!” A snicker rolls off my chest. “She shouldn’t.”

“I get that you’re pissed.” There’s shuffling on the other end, like he’s sitting down or standing up. “You have every right to be, but during all this shit, I’ve started to care for her, and I think she cares for me too. Let this play out until we get Sal and the rest of them, and then I’ll tell her. Give me some time.”

I don’t say anything, my words trapped in my throat. The genuineness with which he speaks of my cousin melts my heart.

“We could be something, Chiara. I’ve never felt like this before.”

Geez. He really does care about her.

“Why did you even do this? How does this serve your purpose?”

He sighs. “You know more than anyone how much the Bianchis hated us. Imagine how they’d feel if one of their daughters married one of us. Sal won’t be happy, will he?”

I laugh humorlessly. “Not even a little. Does he know yet?”

“Not yet. I don’t want to use her that way. I’ll tell him right before I put a bullet in his brain, though.”

“You’re so romantic.”

“I try.” He chuckles.

“Heads will roll, and not just Sal’s,” I add. “Carlito’s too.”

“I can’t fucking wait. I hate that bastard.”

“How do you kno—?”