I sucked in a long breath and then blew it out slowly. This was a place to call home. And I had to keep it together for everyone in this town. For my family, whom I loved dearly. I thought of my sons and their sweet, innocent faces. I thought of my mom and dad, my brothers and sister. This was home, and I would keep it together for all of them. Even if I couldn’t keep it together for myself.
I pulled into the station, where McCrae was waiting for me. He started speaking as soon as I stepped out of the cruiser. “Hey, sorry about that.”
I moved past him. “It’s fine.”
He pulled my arm, forcing me to a stop. “Would you just let me say thank you?”
I grimaced at him. “That’s my job. You never have to say thank you.”
I woke to banging on the door and bolted upright. Even though I knew I was far away from my ex, I still had PTSD.
“Isla?” It was a female voice that I recognized as Wendy’s. That was right, she’d said she would bring more supplies today.
I got up and tried not to think about the fact that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I didn’t have many things.
When I opened the door, she gave me a cursory look and then pushed past me. “Once again, I’m bringing a lot of things. I have two more boxes in the car. Follow me.”
Unlike yesterday, when she’d been driving a truck, she had pulled up in a black Mercedes. She popped the trunk as I followed and helped carry in the boxes.
We got inside, and she said, “My mother requested I bring you some clothes. I figured you were size two-ish. I got some from the clothes drive that my mother and her friends are having in town. If you don’t like anything, I will not be offended.”
I was instantly overwhelmed and couldn’t help but wonder how her mother had known I needed this.
“I also have the paint supplies and paintbrushes and everything you might need. I sent a man who works for me out to get everything and put it in these boxes. If you need more, let me know.” There was a third box that she whimsically pointed to. “My mother wanted me to bring more towels and blankets just in case you need them. There’s also cleaning supplies.”
She said everything so matter-of-factly that I barely had a chance to whisper, “Thank you.”
She nodded and then headed for the door, pausing for a second. “I know I mentioned the job at dispatch, but I hope it’s okay that I took the liberty to secure you an interview later today.” She glanced at her watch. “Actually, it’s at one. So good luck to you. If you don’t want to interview, just call the police station.” She started to close the door behind her.
I called after her. “Wait. How did you get me an interview?”
She paused and grinned at me. “Well, when you’re the mayor, you can pull some strings here and there.”
“You’re the mayor?”
She put her sunglasses on her head and then waved. “If you need anything, just call.” She got into the car, started it, and then drove away.
Wendy Miller was a big personality with a big heart. I felt overwhelmed as I watched her go, and then I started. An interview? Would it be with Damon?
I hurried back inside, shut the door, and stared at the three boxes. I decided to just quickly look through them and put them all away, so I took the box of clothes and shoes to the bedroom. My bedroom. That actually sounded good. I sorted through them and was grateful to see there were black slacks and a white shirt. They would work. I looked through the shoes and found an older pair of heels. Surprisingly, they were seven and half. Just my size.
I shook my head and again mumbled a prayer. “I don’t know how you do it, God. But thank you.”
I put the rest of the clothes on the hangers that were in the closet. Then I went back to the main room and unpacked all the towels and cleaning supplies and more blankets. There was even laundry detergent. I filled the washer and dryer with the clothes that had been given to me. They kind of had a smell.Let’s see if we can get that out.I put it on cold and started it. Then I decided to finally go to the barn and see what was out there.
I walked quickly to the barn, unsure why it had to be done now, but feeling like it did. I opened the barn doors and saw that it was mostly just empty space inside, apart from an assortment of tools, sections of old furniture, and some faded paintings. On the way back out of the barn, I noticed an old radio. Maybe I could get the old radio working. I picked it up and hauled it inside. I decided that I didn’t have a lot of time to paint today, but while all my clothes were drying, I would start taping things off.
It felt good to have purpose, and it felt good to be in Refuge Falls. At the same time, it was nerve-racking to be going to an interview that may or may not be conducted by Damon Armstrong.
“Don’t take the wrappers in,” I warned my kids; they had just finished McDonald’s on the way to my parents’ house. “You know Grandma doesn’t like it when I feed you McDonald’s.”