Just like Adam is for me.

“I wanted to talk to you, Adam,” Dad says. “I’m getting constant phone calls now asking for interviews with Lily. It seems like she’s dropped off the face of the planet, but people want to hear more from her.”

“No.” Adam’s response is immediate.

“Even just a quick–”

“Absolutely not.”

Dad huffs and sits back in his seat. I have to admit, it’s nice that Dad and Adam already had a relationship with each other. I can only imagine bringing Adam home to meet my dad for the first time if they hadn’t known each other before.Hey, Dad, this is Adam Stone. He’s a little blunt and gruff, but don’t take it personally.I don’t think that would’ve gone over so well. Instead, they’ve already known each other for years, so there’s no need to sugarcoat Adam’s personality. Adam’s not really on his best behavior for Dad, and Dad isn’t put off when Adam acts like…well, himself.

Overall, Adam has gotten a lot better. He’s kind and considerate, especially toward me, but even toward the people he works with and those who work for him. But when it comes to Lily, he doesn’t beat around the bush. He wants to protect his sister with his last breath.

A few minutes later, we pull up to the castle. It looks so different from when I arrived three months ago, but it’s still so beautiful. I exhale, and smile at Adam. In a weird way, it’s like coming home.

Just as expected, Lionel stands outside to greet us. Adam drives around the driveway and puts the car in park, and Lionel opens my door. “Ms. Isabelle, it’s wonderful to see you again.”

“You, too, Lionel,” I say, squeezing him in a hug. It’s not themost comfortable hug I’ve ever had, but it makes my heart happy. “How’s Josephine?”

“She’s…well.” The faint blush on his cheeks lets me know things are going well between them, but I won’t press any more. “Hello, Mr. Lovett,” he says to my dad.

Dad shakes his hand, and Adam comes around the car to shake Lionel’s hand, as well. “Are we all set?” Adam asks.

Lionel nods. “Everything is nearly in order.”

“Good.” Adam presses a hand to the small of my back, leading me into the castle. Dad follows behind.

“What does he mean that everything is nearly in order?” I ask Adam.

Adam waves me off. “I have to get something from the office. Join me?”

I raise a brow at him. “I’m allowed in there now?”

He presses a kiss to my temple. “You’re allowed in every part of my life now.”

My heart warms. We go up the stairs, and Dad waves goodbye as he heads down the corridor to find Brigette.

“What’s in the office that you need?” I ask.

“Something for Lily,” he replies. We step into the office, and he heads over to the desk, then pulls the old photo of his family into his hands. His fingers lightly trace the crack on the glass, the one I made the first night I came here, and a sad smile appears on his face.

“I want Lily to have this,” he says. “It was a reminder of my mother and the way she raised us to be. To take care of each other, no matter what. I want Lily to have it so she knows I’m doing this all for her.”

I press a kiss to his cheek. “I know you’re doing your best to protect her.”

He straightens. “Enough of this. Would you like to go watch a movie while we wait for dinner?”

“Really? That’s what you want to do while we’re here?”

He pulls me in by the waist, pressing my body flush against his. “Well, there might be some of this, too.” He kisses me, and my body hums as I feel the passion flowing from him.

I love this man.

We head to the theater, and Adam grabs The Sound of Music from the shelf. “Don’t worry, we’ll stop the movie once Georg and Maria get together,” he says.

“Good,” I reply. “I know it’s a happy ending, but?—”

“But you hate that they have to leave. I know.” He has a twinkle in his eye as he settles in beside me and we start watching the rolling hills of Austria.