Lily props the phone up against the table and we see her hop over to the piano. I click the mute button so Lily doesn’t hear our conversation. “Thank you for doing this.”

“Of course,” she says. “I feel for her. But…she doesn’t seem as broken as you make her seem.”

The first few notes of the piano come wafting through the speakers of my phone. I watch my little sister, her long blonde hair flowing down her back as she furiously hits the keys on the piano. “She does seem much better,” I admit.

“Maybe you should ease up on her,” she says gently.

The first feeling that flares up is irritation, my natural inclination when anyone says something that contradicts my instincts. And when it comes to Lily, my instinct is to protect her. To keep her away from anyone and everything that could ever hurt her.

But holding Isabelle in my arms calms me, and I take a moment to consider what she says. Maybe Lily isn’t as broken as I thought she was. Maybe it’s time to start letting her out of the penthouse.

“I’ll talk to my father and brother,” I reply.

Satisfied, Isabelle settles back into my arms to listen to Lily’s performance. Lily has improved even more than I remembered. She probably spends all her time in isolation practicing and improving, which I didn’t think was possible at her skill level. She finishes her piece, and I unmute our end.

“Brava!” Isabelle calls out, applauding. I join in and clap, too.

Lily takes a bow and skips back over to the phone. “Thanks. It’s called La Campanella, and it’s supposed to imitate the sounds of a bell. It’s really fun to play.”

“I couldn’t believe how fast your fingers were flying,” Isabelle says. “I’ll have to come hear you in person.”

Lily squeals. “I’d love that! When will the snow clear completely?”

Isabelle looks over at me, and I sigh. “I think it will be melted enough for Isabelle to drive down tomorrow.”

Isabelle’s lips twist to the side, disappointment filling her expression. I know how she feels. I’m not ready for this to beover. We haven’t even discussed what’s going to happen when we go back to LA.

“You guys should have a party for your last night,” Lily says.

“A party?” I ask. “With whom? Lionel?”

“Sure, why not?” Lily says. “He deserves some fun.”

I snort a laugh.

“Just eat a fancy dinner… Wait, you probably do that anyway. But wear something extra fancy, dance a little, have some fun. You guys deserve it.”

Isabelle and I look at each other, as if trying to gauge whether or not the other person thinks it’s ridiculous or genius.

“Let’s do it,” Isabelle finally says. “I actually think Josephine might be done with my dress.”

“You’re having Josephine make you a dress?” Lily asks.

“I told her to,” I reply.

Lily nods her head in approval. “Smart move, big bro.”

I shrug a shoulder, uncomfortable with my little sister’s praise.

“Make sure to take pictures,” Lily says. “I want to see when you come visit me.”

“We will,” Isabelle promises.

“Maybe I’ll speak with Father about getting you back online.” Lily’s face lights with delight, so I add quickly, “Within reason.”

“Thank you, Adam!” Lily squeals.

The girls say goodbye, and I already feel like Isabelle fits right into my family. Which is further than I expected any of these feelings to go…but how can I deny the way I feel?