“I think so. He’s a lot less closed-off, which makes it easier to talk to him.” I look up at her. “Has he always been so…”

“Intense?” Brigette supplies.

“I was going to say rude, but sure. Let’s go with intense.”

She smiles softly, winding a piece of my hair around the iron. “Mr. Stone has always beenintense. Serious, almost to a fault. As far as rude, he’s battled that side of himself since childhood. Perhaps a better word would be ‘blunt.’ But his mother would encourage him to temper that side of himself with empathy.” She sighs. “And while she was alive, it made a difference.”

“And after she died, he just stopped trying?”

She shrugs a shoulder. “It seems that way. Mrs. Stone was the heart and soul of the family. When she passed, each of the children took it in their own ways. Unfortunately, Adam became more selfish and neglected all of his siblings and his father. He ran away from his family’s expectations so he could pursue acting.”

“What about his siblings?” I ask, wanting to get a fuller picture of the family.

“Henry seems to have handled it in the healthiest way. He took over where Adam left, filling his role as second in the family company. Peter has embraced his childish side and is trying to live life to the fullest, traveling and forgoing all responsibilities. And Lily,” she puts a hand over her heart. “Lily desperately needed the guidance of a mother.”

The words from the document on Adam’s computer flash in my mind again. Was there something between Lily and Tristan Jackson? Is that what made Adam go crazy?

I’m about to open my mouth and ask, but Lionel knocks on the door. “Ms. Isabelle? Mr. Stone wanted me to ask where you would like to have the camera and computer set up for your interview.”

Flutters erupt in my belly, knowing that Adam was considering what would be best for me. “Oh! I hadn’t really thoughtabout it.”

“Mr. Stone suggested the dining room. Would that be amenable to you?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

He nods and turns out of the room. I look back at my reflection, blushing cheeks and all, hoping Brigette doesn’t notice.

But she totally does. With a sly smile, she says, “I think a certain someone is encouraging Adam to think of others besides himself.” She winks.

“Who, me?”

“Yes, you!” She laughs out loud, releasing a section of my hair from the clip and starting on the last pieces of my hair. “Mr. Stone is intense, but that also translates to fierce loyalty and protectiveness. When it comes to the ones he loves, there is nothing he will not do to ensure their safety and happiness. It’s why his mother’s death broke him. He couldn’t save her. And despite the fact that she died surrounded by the ones she loved, he felt that there was no reason to attach himself to anyone anymore, not when they would just leave him in the end.”

Her words sink in, and my heart breaks for him. “How sad.”

Brigette nods. “But there’s something about you that’s bringing him back to life. You challenge him, but you’re also patient with him.” She runs a wide comb through my hair, separating the curls. “I have hope for him now.”

She fluffs the hair around my shoulders, and my eyes widen at her work. “Brigette! You’re incredible! Why didn’t I have you do my hair before?”

She shrugs, a little shy now. “I can do your makeup, as well.”

I nod enthusiastically, and for a moment, I wonder what Adam will think when he sees me all made up.

Half an hour later,I’m sitting in front of the computer in the dining room, ready for my interview. I’m wearing the outfit I wore on my first night here. If it was good enough for meeting Adam, it should be good enough for an interview.

I haven’t seen Adam this morning. I had hoped that he’d come by to give me some well-wishes, a little extra boost of confidence, but he’s nowhere to be found.

I swallow down my disappointment. That’s okay. He helped me prep last night and sent word through Lionel this morning, and that means more than he’ll know.

A window pops up on the screen, saying the host has joined the meeting and will let me in soon. I inhale and exhale deeply, channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn. I can be poised and collected, answering their questions with grace. I study my appearance on screen, thrilled with Brigette’s work. Now I want her to do my hair and makeup every day. And my looks are only part of it—the conversation with her fills an empty space in my heart I didn’t know was missing.

The screen changes and I see a brunette woman smiling at me. Her chin-length hair and dark lashes look familiar—I’ve seen her interviews online before.

“Hi, Isabelle! I’m Allegra,” she says warmly. “Thanks so much for joining me today!”

“Thank you for having me!” I reply with a big smile.

“I’m not sure if you’ve seen our interviews on Inside Scoop before, but we’ll have a few video clips spliced together, and there will be a written article summarizing our conversation. Do you have any questions?”