Brigette looks at me, and I shrug. I’m not in the position to make decisions like this, but I don’t see why he can’t have a treat with me.

“Sure,” she says.

Theo squeals and expertly climbs up the counter, grabbing a bowl and then plopping down into the seat next to me. I pour some cereal and milk in his bowl, and with a cheeky grin aimed at me, he takes his first bite.

“Yummm,” he says, diving in for another bite.

“Slowly, Theo,” Brigette warns.

Theo growls back at her.

“Slowly, Hulk,” she tries again. He gives her a big grin and nods.

“He’s got quite an imagination, huh?” I whisper to Brigette.

“You have no idea.” She smiles wistfully at him. “You never know which superhero he’ll be that day.”

“How does Adam feel about him being here?” I ask.

Brigette tilts her head from side to side. “He tolerates it, so long as Theo doesn’t cause too much trouble. Which is usually Becca’s job…Theo, where is Becca?”

Despite his mouth full of cereal, he answers. “She’s asleep in my bed. She’s veeeeery tired.”

“I thought Becca was a cleaner?” I ask Brigette.

“When Theo visits, she doubles as nanny. But she tends to fall asleep early.”

I snort a laugh. “I’m not surprised.”

Brigette sighs. “Keeping an eye on a three-year-old can be very exhausting.”

“I’m three and a half!” Theo gestures widely with his hands, and his spoon flings milk across the table.

I’ve finished my cereal, so I stand and take my bowl to the sink while one of the other girls cleans up Theo’s mess. “I should text my dad and let him know I have to stay overnight. He wanted me to call when I was on my way down the mountain.”

“Oh, you probably won’t be able to do that.” Brigette says.

I whip my head over to her. “What do you mean?”

“When the weather is this bad, we typically lose cell service. And general phone service.”

My brain needs a second to process her words.

No cell service.

Or phone service at all.

“Wait, so we’re STRANDED up here?!” My voice comes out like a squeak.

Brigette exchanges a nervous glance with the other workers. “I mean…in a way, yes. But I promise, you’re safe. You don’t need to worry.”

My heart races in my chest. She seems genuinely kind, as do the rest of the workers. And if Theo is here, there shouldn’t be anything to really worry about.


But that doesn’t ease the voice in my head telling me I’m trapped…with Adam Stone.
