“Oh, my fucking god that was amazing” I say and he laughs, I look up at him “What?” I ask and he smiles

“Nothin’ baby nothin’” I lay back down and he holds me to him and I feel myself drift off to the sound of his heart beat feeling safe and very content.

I wake to the sounds of Wiley crying, Socket doesn’t move as she screams and I crawl out of the huge bed and down the hall to Wiley’s room. As I pick her up I notice she’s all flushed, her little pink cheeks are red “Oh baby what’s wrong?” I take her down to the kitchen but she fusses moving her head away from her bottle not wanting it “Come on Wiley” I walk up and down with her but she screams the whole time, I’ve done all the checks nappy food burping but nothing. I try to feed her again but she won’t take it and I pace the floor trying to sooth her, I remember when I was little and Simone and I would spend time together she used to sing to me. I go to my bag and pull up my iPod and find the perfect song and place it in the docking station and turn the volume low, I turn the song on and start to sing Crazy Love by Van Morrison. It takes a few seconds and Wiley stops crying as I sing to her, she looks up at me and reaches for my face and I kiss her little hand rocking her slowly and she closes her eyes. I feel a pair of arms go around my waist and I look up at Socket and he’s smiling down at me as he holds Wiley and I. “Hey baby” he says as we slow dance together with Wiley and I lean my head back still singing. As the song finishes another starts up and the three of us just stand there in our own little bubble enjoying just being together “She’s asleep baby” Socket whispers and I nod still in a trance and he leans down and lifts me and Wiley up taking us to his room and I lay her on my belly while Socket pulls me to him and the three of us fall asleep in each other’s embrace.Chapter Thirty-TwoSocket

When I woke and she was gone, I could hear the kid screaming and I made my way down to the living room and stopped still watching as she turned on music and started singing to the kid. I think in the one second of the two of them I fell madly and deeply in love with Dove, I know we’ve known each other for less than a month but fuck she’s never far from my thoughts. Watching her rock, the kid to sleep singing, my mind was blown away. I get it now, I always thought the Brothers where dumbasses to fall so hard for a woman but I see it. I want that with Dove, marriage kids (fuck kids) I smile thinking about her swollen with my kid and my dick jerks at the thought of it. I knew when I was fuckin’ her tonight and I thought about the brand on her back that she was something more, but fuck thinkin’ about marriage and kids damn that shits just out of this fuckin’ world. I move forward and wrap my arms around her and she leans her head back on my chest and I know I’m in love with her, I watch as she holds the kid to her, her little blue eyes look up at me and I smile. She closes them again as we rock to the music “She’s asleep baby” I tell her and she nods her head and I lean down and pick her up takin’ her to my room, our room tomorrow when I move all her shit in here. I lay next to her as the kid falls asleep on her belly and I pull her to me holding the both of them needing her with me next to me.


I open my eyes to an empty space and look around, Dove and the kid nowhere to be seen and I panic. I get up and almost run down to the living space and see Dove’s fast asleep on the sofa (what the fuck) the kid fast asleep on her stomach again. I walk into the kitchen and start breakfast, I start up some pancakes trying to be as quiet as possible feelin’ so out of my element; never did I do anything like this for Jewel. She was always there and independent never needing for anything, she had her job and her own money, our relationship was basically sex and that was it. We may have lived together and hung out but really, she was just a chick I fucked on a regular basis, did I care about her ‘yes’ but I had no real feelings for her. The first moment I saw Dove it was like my soul lit up, with Jewel it was sex plain and simple. I pour the batter into the pan and put the bacon under the grill “What are you doing?” she asks walking into the kitchen and I smile, just seeing her brings a light to my life.