
“If I give you the job do you have a sitter” I nod lying, not sure if Delores will look after Wiley.

“Do you have any special talents” I shake my head

“No not really”

“Can you at least dance” I look up at the stage and cringe, I think I’m the most uncoordinated person in the world, I shake my head and she sighs making me bite my lip

“Honey, this is a strip club and men expect to see you dancing on stage and if you’ve got no rhythm than how are you gonna make any money?”

“Please I need the job” I ask sounding desperate and she looks down at Wiley again

“You got any family”

“My Mom, but she hates me” I tell her

“Anyone else” I shake my head

“I did have my sister but she recently passed away”

“Oh, I’m so sorry” she tells me

“She used to work here” I tell her and she frowns at me

“Who?” she asks me and I look down at Wiley

“Simone” I tell her but she shakes her head

“No, don’t know any Simone’s” than I remember Simone always used to use her middle name

“She usually went by Jewel” I tell her and she looks surprised

“Jewel!” she says and I nod

“Yeah, she always hated her name”

“Didn’t you just say your sister died” I nod

“Yeah, last week”

“Oh my god” she says and I see tears running down her face and I sit forward and rub her hand

“Are you ok?” I ask her as she shakes her head

“Jewel is dead” she asks me as a tear slides down her cheek and I nod

“Yeah, a car accident last weekend”

“Jesus, have you had the funeral yet” she asks me looking heart broken and I shake my head

“No, it’s next weekend” I tell her and she stands up and goes behind the bar, I watch as she takes a shot of something grabbing a few napkins. She has a few more shots, than brings the bottle and her glass with her and sits back down

“Fuck, I can’t believe she’s gone” she says looking at me

“Where you good friends?” I ask knowing nothing about my sister’s life

“Yeah, we were, I’m sorry for your loss” she says her lip wobbling and it brings tears to my own eyes but I hold them back

“It was a shock that’s for sure” I tell her honestly

“When is the funeral” she asks wiping her eyes

“Next Saturday at Eleven” I tell her as Wiley starts to fuss and she looks back at Wiley

“You can start next Monday, if that will suit you” she tells me and I look at her surprised

“Really!” she nods

“Yeah anything for Jewel honey” she tells me and I can tell they must have been really close

“Oh god, thank you so much”

“It’s no problem, but you’ll need to come up with an act ok” I nod

“I will I promise”

“Ok than I’ll see you at the funeral” she tells me as she takes another shoot and I pick Wiley up and walk to the door.Chapter SevenSocket

I wake the next morning with Lila next to me, her naked ass getting my dick hard and I lean over and kiss her shoulder. Damn she has a great ass, I run my hand down her back and grab her tight globes and she moves her legs open a little bit “Mornin’ darlin” she turns and looks at me as I move my hand down more to her pussy and rub

“Good morning” she says smiling, she turns to her back and I take her nipple into my mouth sucking gently, licking the soft bud into my mouth and she moans. I move my hand down her flat stomach to her pussy and slide into her wet cunt “Um that’s so nice” she says as she runs her hands down my chest to my hard dick “I love your dick Socket”

“Do you?” I ask her and she bits her lip nodding

“I do”

“How much do you like it?” I ask and she smiles

“This much” she says moving down the bed and taking my dick into her mouth and sucking

“Fuck darlin’ that’s good.” She takes me all the way to the back of her throat and I groan at how fuckin’ good it feels and she reaches for my balls rubbing them gently, the sensation of them being rubbed and my dick sucked bringing me closer to coming. I lace my fingers through her hair and she moans, the vibration bringing me even closer. I rotate my hips as she sucks in her cheeks, the slurping sound of her taking my cock getting me even closer. “Fuck Lila” I say as I close my eyes enjoying my dick being sucked, she uses her hand and mouth at the same time and I feel the tingle in my spin “Damn darlin’ I’m gonna come” I tell her as she takes more of me into her mouth sucking harder her grip tightening as I fill her mouth with my load and she swallows it all “Fuck that was good” I tell her as she sits up smiling