“Yeah well I’m marrying Dove” I remind him and he smiles

“Just another reason to celebrate” he says handing me a beer.Chapter Forty-EightDove

I finally get Wiley down for a nap, when Zoey comes in checking on her two girls. She smiles when she sees there both asleep and she sits down next to me “So, what was the look you had back at the hospital?” she says and I look at her

“What look?”

“Please, I seen a look” I look down at Wiley than across at her two girls

“What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“Being pregnant” she smiles

“It’s heaven and hell all in nine months”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, from the heart burn to the swollen ankles to the mood swings morning sickness sore boobs going to the toilet every two minutes to squeezing out a human being in your hoo-ha it was horrible”

“What were the good bites?” she smiles again

“When I felt them move for the first time, the first time I seen them growing in me to the pushing them out and feeding them, the instant love I had for both of them it was all worth it”

“Where you scared to have two?”

“Petrified, when I found out I was pregnant it was surprising but not really Saint and I weren’t really good at being safe, but when the doctor confirmed it was twins I wanted to strangle Saint”


“His family has a history of multiples”



“But it was worth it?”

“Totally worth it, is that what the look was?” I nod “did Socket tell you he didn’t want kids”


“Maybe he’s changed his mind”

“I don’t think so”

“How do you know if you don’t ask him, I mean he did say he didn’t want Wiley and the man I seen today holding his daughter was a totally different guy to when you first came here”

“I suppose”

“Talk to him Dove, if that’s one thing I’ve learnt being with a man like Saint honesty is best. Let Socket know how you feel”

“Thanks Zoey”

“Good, now come on we’ve got a birth and an engagement to celebrate” she tells me pulling me up and I smile.

When we walk back to the main hall all the guys have drinks in their hands laughing, music is blaring and the whores walk around almost naked trying to get the guys to notice them. I watch as Lila sits so close to Socket but sits on Homer’s lap as they all drink, she keeps touching his arm and I see red at the audacity of this bitch “You gonna do anything?” Abbey asks walking up

“What the hell do I do?”

“Go and kick her ass” Tink says and I look behind me and see all the others with me

“I don’t know how to fight”

“You don’t need to know how to fight, just go over and kiss the fuck out of Socket stake your claim on him” Maggie says and I nod feeling a little braver with all the girls encouraging me. I walk straight over to Socket and slide down onto his lap making sure I’m facing Lila so she can see this shit, and plant a very sensual long tongue twirling pussy wetting kiss on my man hearing cheers and whistles and all the girls calling out as I stake my claim as Maggie put it on what’s now mine and mine only.

“Well hello to you to baby” Socket says kissing down my neck holding onto my ass and squeezing

“Hello” I say smiling still kissing him and I lift my hand so Lila can see my ring as I rub Socket’s cheek and I sit up and look at her “Lila have you seen my engagement ring” I say holding out my hand and she looks down at it stunned

“Your engaged?” she asks and I nod cuddling back up to Socket


“Congrats” she says and I sort of feel sorry for her, the look she has on her face of pure heart-break but she covers it well. Socket stands up fast lifting me up and taking me to his room as more catcalls ring out as he closes the door dropping me on the bed

“Naked now” he says and I strip as fast as I can and he lays on top of me fully clothed “You gonna tell me what that was about?” I shake my head and he smiles “I love you Dove, don’t doubt that baby” I nod loving the feel of the cold leather on my naked breasts making me hot, I loop my legs around him pulling him to me

“Fuck me Socket”

“You want my cock baby?”

“Fuck yes I want your cock”

“How bad do you want it?”

“So bad” I say rubbing my pussy on his jeans needing the friction on my clit

“Greedy little thing, aren’t ya” he says leaning down taking my nipple into his mouth and sucking so hard I almost come.Chapter Forty-NineSocket

I fuck her all night long makin’ sure I fill her pussy hopin’ one of my little swimmers will take hold, I know I’ve said I never wanted a family kids a wife none of that. I was happy just havin’ a regular fuck, but with Dove I see it. A future, kids in every room of the house her yellin’ at our daughter that she can’t go on dates, givin’ my son, the dad talk all of it. I want all of that with Dove and more, I move her to her back and look down at her naked body. My dick gettin’ hard again, I take her nipple into my mouth sucking gently and glide my hand down her body and run my fingers through her folds. “Socket” she moans openin’ her legs makin’ me smile