“I love you so much Socket” I tell him and he has this shit eating grin on his face and I smile.Chapter Forty-SevenSocket

I smile at her, feeling so happy, my cock buried deep within her and I know I’m home. She’s my everything and nothing and nobody is going to take her from me. I pull out of her and miss her instantly and I lower her to the floor and she goes over to the ensuite, when I hear the tap turn on I pull my boxers and jeans up and reach into my pocket for the ring. I’d taken it out of the box holdin’ it up and the sun catches the stone and little rainbows appear in the room. She comes back out and I turn around goin’ to my knee holding up the ring up and look her in the eye. “Dove I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old and chase you around the nursing home and if my dick doesn’t work I’m still gonna lick your pussy” she smiles “I will love you to my last breath baby, will you marry me?” she bites her lip as tears fall down her cheek and she nods, I thought for a moment that she was going to say no but the look on her gorgeous face has me standing up and spinning her around making her laugh

“Socket” she says and I look down at her memorizing every bit of her

“Yeah baby”

“Can I have my ring” I smile gliding the diamond onto her finger and she holds her hand up

“It’s beautiful” she says and I take her hand and kiss the ring that’s never coming off

“You make it beautiful baby.” I lean down and kiss her with all of my heart and soul needing her to know that she’s the most perfect thing in my world. I take her hand and we walk arm in arm back to the others, she blushes when we walk back in they all smile. I pull her with me to our seats and Abbey looks down at her

“Is that an engagement ring?” she says and all the girls get up and look

“Yep” I tell them and all the Brothers congratulate me and the women do their usual women screaming with excitement thing they always do, I hear Razor groan rolling his eyes

“What?” I ask him

“This mean where havin’ another fuckin’ weddin’ at the clubhouse” I smile lookin’ at Dove and she nods

“Yep” I tell him and he groans even more

“Shut up Razor and congratulate Dove and Socket” Maggie says makin’ me smile.


We all sit for a few more hours when Tank comes walkin’ out carrying a little Blue bundle, Abbey jumps up clapping her hands cooing down at the small baby “Congrats man” we all say and we all have a hold of the newest Devil

“How’s Lena?” Ella asks and Tank smiles

“She good, she’s having a shower so you can all go in and see her and I quote ‘with loads of gifts’” he says and we all laugh

“So, what’s his name?” Niya asks

“Wesley” he says and Abbey smiles

“Oh, Tank you named him after Daddy”

“Yeah.” A few years ago Tank and Abbey’s dad passed away from cancer, it was hard on both of them having already lost their mom when they were younger. I watch as Dove holds Wiley to her and I imagine coming out to all the Brothers holding my son or daughter, I know Wiley came to me when she was little but it’s not the same going through the pregnancy with her watching my child grow within my women. I pull Dove to me needing to touch her and Wiley holds her hands up to me and I take her from Dove blowing a raspberry like Abbey did and she laughs.

After we all go in and see Lena we all head to the clubhouse to wet the baby’s head “Fuck Brother another baby” Cookie says and I smile, I watch Dove park my truck and head over and take Wiley out before Dove can, I take her hand walking in and I see Lila frowning at Dove. If that bitch even breathes near Dove I’m gonna fuckin’ kill her, Dove takes Wiley to my room to put her down for the night and I look around at all the Brothers laughin’

“Hey Socket” Lila says and I give her a chin lift but step back

“Do you want to go to your room?” she asks as Cookie and Homer come walkin’ up

“Nope” I tell her and Homer wraps his arms around her

“How about you come to my room?” he says and I give him a chin lift as they walk off together

“I think she thought you two where a thing” Cookie says