“Fine than I’ll go tomorrow”

“Fine” he says following me back to the house and I go straight up to my old room closing and locking the door behind me and laying on the bed as tears slid down my face and I bury my face in my pillow and cry.Chapter Forty-FourSocket

Fuck she’s one stubborn chick, as she goes up the stairs I watch her walk and my dick gets hard (fuck I’ve missed her) I think back to the day I left and cringe, back than I was so fuckin’ pissed at her not telling me about the DNA test but was fucked off even more that she knew Jewel was fuckin’ another guy while we were together. Not that I was faithful to her the last six months of our relationship, I go to the fridge and grab a beer and head out to the back patio and look up at the stars. The stars shine brightly in the darkened sky some more than others and I just watch as they glisten in the night sky and remember the diamond ring that’s still sitting in the top draw of my office. I know Dove’s it for me she’s my one, the whole time we were a part felt like hell. And the moment I saw her I felt like I could breathe again, I’ll win her back no matter how long it takes. She’s mine and no fucker will ever get between her gorgeous legs and taste the golden honey I know is between them.


As I wake the next morning my neck is aching from sleeping on the deck chair, I stand up and stretch. When I walk through the door Dove has Wiley sitting on the kitchen counter feeding her

“She’s eating food?” I say and Dove rolls her eyes at me

“Yes, Socket that’s what happens when babies grow up” she says with a sarcastic tone

“Ok, so what are you doing today?”

“I need to get my car so I can go and pick up my things from my apartment and hand in my resignation, now that I have to stay here”

“Fine, then I’ll come with and help” she stands up and puts her hands on her hips

“I can do it myself Socket”

“Don’t give a fuck, we do it together” I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me again going back to feeding Wiley

After she feeds Wiley she takes her upstairs and gives her a bath, when she comes back down her hair is up but she still has the same clothes on but I know she’s had a shower. I grab my keys and she takes a deep breathe rolling her eyes and I smile

“For every one of those eye rolls I’m gonna spank that ass” I tell her ad she turns lookin’ at me

“You’re never going anywhere near my ass ever again Socket so shut the fuck up and let’s get this shit done.” She goes to walk off but I grab her waist stopping her and pull her to me

“Oh, I’m touching that ass alright” I lean in and whisper in her ear “I’m even gonna fuck that gorgeous pussy of yours” she elbows me in the gut and I grunt and she narrows her eyes at me

“Not a chance in hell asshole” she says picking up Wiley’s bag and walking out making my dick hard (fuck I love her).


As we pull up to her apartment block I notice its ten times better than the one she used to live in. A light rain covers the three of us and I take Wiley from her and carry her up the stairs so she doesn’t slip. Wiley puts her head on my shoulder like I’ve seen the other kids at the clubhouse do with the Brothers and their kids and I sort of like it, her baby smell comforting me. As Dove opens the door to her apartment I look around and Wiley wants to get down so I put her in a play pen Dove had set up for her “This is nice” I tell her and she turns looking at me and I see her rolling her eyes again walking off down the hall and I follow her. The small double in her room makes me smile and I watch as she goes to her closet and starts to pull out clothes “Dove” I say and she turns and looks at me

“What?” I move to stand in front of her and with my height with hers she has to look up at me

“I love you” I tell her running my fingers down her cheek but she slaps my hand away

“Don’t Socket” I pull her to me needing to hold her

“Please baby forgive me” she shakes her head trying to step back

“No” she says pushing at my chest but I hold her firmly to me