“Tonight” she repeats and I motion for Steven to open the gate and the second she has enough room to come in she runs to Wiley taking her off of Zoey.Chapter Forty-ThreeDove

I raced all the way to the compound as fast as my little Miata would go and the second I pulled up my heart leapt at being here, as I got out of the car Steven nodded walking off. When he came walking through the door again Socket was behind him (god he looks good) the second I gave into his demands and had Wiley in my arms I could breathe again. Zoey handed her to me and I watched as Steven drove my car into the compound handing Socket my keys. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere and to be honest I didn’t want to but I did. I wanted to kick Socket in the balls but kiss him at the same time. But I ignored him as he tried to talk to me, I mean I shouldn’t make it easy on the whore loving asshole.

“Where have you been?” Zoey asks me as we sit out at the old lady section


“Why did you change your number, we were worried” she says and I feel like kicking my own ass, these women have been so amazing and I just cut them off, now I know I’m Simone’s sister.

“I’m sorry, it was so hard to talk to you guys knowing Socket was here”

“Hey, we’ll always be here for you Dove your family” she says pulling me in for a hug

“So, how has everyone been?”

“Good actually, Lena is due any day now and Tanks been such a pain in the ass” she tells me and I smile

“Oh yeah”

“Yeah, she said she was gonna smother him in his sleep if he didn’t lay off with the worry” I laugh as Socket comes out

“You ladies want a drink?” I give him the stink eye but he just winks at me (asshole)

“Go away” I tell him

“What? I was just asking a question”

“Socket fuck off” I tell him really itching to kick him in the balls

“Real nice baby” he says

“Fuck you Socket, and I hope your dick rots off from fucking all of the whores”

“Dove” Ella says and I turn and look at both of them as they smile

“Ella that asshole kidnapped my daughter from day-care and is now black mailing me to live in his house”

“Oh, come on its kind of cute” Zoey says

“No, it’s not”

“So, what’s Seattle like?” Ella asks and I shrug

“It was ok”

“Did you go out much? I hear they have an amazing night life” I shake my head

“No not much, I went out a few times with Sandra but that was about it”

“Who’s Sandra?”

“Just a girl I worked with”

“Would you prefer to live there” Zoey asks and I think of the last month that I’d lived there, the rent was high it rained a lot and I was on my feet for ten hours a day.

“No, I missed you guys” I tell them both and they smile

“We missed you, so no more disappearing” Zoey says and I smile

“No more” I tell her as Saint comes out

“Baby lets go” Zoey stands up hugging me again

“I’m glad your back” she says and I smile

“Me to.”


As we pull up to the house I left my heart in, I feel tears spring to my eyes but I hold them back “Wait” Socket says but I don’t, I get out and go to the back-lifting Wiley out before he can and he looks down at me “I told you to wait” I turn and look at him

“Let’s get one thing straight Socket, I’m here to look after Wiley and nothing more so don’t think where going to walk back through those doors and everything will go back to the way it was, because let me tell you that is never going to happen” I walk up the steps and wait for him

“Where are your keys?” he asks me

“I though them away”

“What the fuck did you do that for?” he asks opening the door and I take Wiley up to her old room and place her in the cot. I wait until she’s asleep and head back down to the living room where Socket is sitting on the sofa, when he sees me he stands up. “We’ll have to do some shopping tomorrow” I walk out the front door down the drive and head back towards the clubhouse to get my car, I hear Socket running up behind me “Where the fuck are you going?”

“To get my car, stay with Wiley I won’t be long”

“Just leave it”

“No” I tell him and head off down the road but he follows me and I stop “Socket go back to the house and stay with Wiley

“I’m not lettin’ you walk back to the clubhouse at night Dove, no fuckin’ way”