“You want her you get your ass back home” he tells me and I grind my teeth

“I’m not coming back there”

“What you prefer Magic’s cock to mine”

“Was Bliss or Lila or Candy better than me” I ask and there’s no answer and my heart breaks a little that he didn’t deny it “Socket give her back, you couldn’t give a fuck about her”

“Come home” he says and the way he says it makes tears fall down my cheek but I can’t risk it, I won’t risk my heart being broken again

“No Socket it’s over, now give Wiley back”

“No” he says hanging up and I look at the screen on my phone and scream, a tap at the window has me looking up

“Dove” the chick from the day-care says and I wind down my window

“Yes?” I ask her

“Did you find Wiley; would you like me to call the police”

“No, its fine she’s with her father”

“Oh, you had us panicked, we thought we had a kidnapping on our hands” (you’re not far off, you stupid bitch)

“Wiley won’t be coming back” I tell her winding my window back up and staring the engine and driving like a race car driver all the way home to get my daughter.****Socket

As I pulled up to the clubhouse darkness had come, the drive back from Oregon had taking just over four hours and I’d had to stop at one stage to change Wiley’s diaper that had me gagging the whole time making her laugh. I hated that I was going through hell and she was laughin’ her ass off. I handed her a bottle and watched as her little hands held it herself (fuck I’ve missed out on loads) I pull her out of her seat and she looks up at the stars and I smile “Stars” I say and she just looks at me. I take her inside and see Ella and Zoey sitting with Blaze and Saint and I walk over towards them “Is Dove back?” Zoey asks but I shake my head

“Nope” I say and they all look at Wiley than back at me

“Then how in the fuck do you have Wiley?” Blaze asks me

“I took her from her day-care” the guys sit up and they all frown at me

“Socket you can’t just take her!” Zoey says

“Don’t panic my name was on the list” I tell them all as they frown looking confused

“Dove put your name on Wiley’s day-care name list?” Saint asks

“No Cuff did”

“What!?” both women almost shout

“Cuff hacked the system and put my name on the list” I tell them and both Blaze and Saint shake their heads the girls just gape at me like gold fishes

“Socket, you kidnapped Wiley, does Dove know? god she’s probably going out of her mind”

“She’s already called and knows I have her”

“She knows?” Ella asks and I nod lookin’ at my watch

“Yep, she should be pullin’ up in about an hour give or take” I tell them smilin’ at my craftyness

“How the fuck do you know that?” Blaze asks and I laugh

“Brother if Ella took Harley you’d do the same shit I just pulled”

“I can’t believe you and Cuff hacked into the day-care system” Zoey says

“Oh, please I seem to remember you hackin’ into our system before, Saint pulls her closer to him when Steven walks in

“SOCKET” he calls out and I look up at him


“Dove’s at the gate man.” I look at my watch again and smile she must have raced here all the way. I hand Wiley to Zoey and get up and follow Steven out the front where I see Dove’s piece of shit car and curse myself for not gettin’ it taken to the scrap yard. I walk to the front gate and she’s standing in front of her car and she turns and looks at me, my dick jumping to attention at the sight of her

“Baby” I say smilin’ her nostrils flare her cute little fists all balled up and she stomps closer to the gate

“Oh please, give Wiley back Socket”

“You comin’ home?”

“No, I like my job”

“Then ya ain’t gettin’ the kid”

“SOCKET!” she screams hitting the fence that separates us “Don’t be a fucking prick, GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!”

“You tell me your movin’ back home into our house with our daughter and I might let you see her” she laughs

“Oh, so now she’s your daughter”

“Yeah, got a DNA test to prove it, what the fuck do you have Dove cause from where I’m standing I have full and legal custody of my daughter”

“SOCKET!” she yells hitting the gate again

“Just say the words baby” she looks behind me as Zoey comes out holdin’ Wiley, and a tear slides down her cheek and she takes a deep breath

“Fine you win, I’ll come home” she almost whispers

“Tonight” I tell her and she looks at me