As I sat at the bar, Chase hands me a beer. The cold liquid sliding down my throat but it doesn’t bring any solace (I need my fuckin’ women back) Cuff comes walkin’ in but I see he’s not lookin’ happy and I stand up


“She’s in Seattle”


“Yeah, she got a job at a clothing store”

“And the kid?”

“Wiley’s in day care”

“Does she work every day?”

“Yeah Monday to Friday” Scythe and Widow walk in kissing and they both look at me

“You ok?” Scythe asks me but I shake my head

“No, fuckin’ Dove’s gone” I say and they both look at each other “What?” I ask them

“Socket, we seen Dove last night”

“What the fuck do you mean you saw her last night?”

“At the Oregon Chapter man, she was there with a friend” I throw my beer I had and it hits the walls smashing everywhere

“What the fuck do you mean she was at the Oregon clubhouse?” they both nod

“Yeah look man, she wants to start a new life”

“With who? fuckin’ Bear or Magic” I say laughin’ but I see Widow bite her lip “What the fuck happened?”

“Nothin’ Magic just propositioned her”

“That fuckin’ cunt”

“Chill, he didn’t do anything and she left a few hours later”

“By herself?”

“Yes, we walked her to her car” I turn and look at Cuff

“She workin’ today” I ask him and he nods

“Yep, why?”

“You got the day care info” he nods “Text it to me” I walk towards the door and Scythe grabs my arm stopping me

“Brother” he says and I pull my arm out of his grip and head to my bike.


As I get out of my truck I head into the day-care centre, screaming kids run around and the women looks up and me smiling “Can I help you?”

“Yeah I’m here to pick up my daughter” I tell her

“Oh, which one is your daughter”

“Wiley” I tell her and she looks at me again

“Oh, is there something wrong with Dove?”

“No, she’s just stuck at work and asked if I could pick her up”

“Are you on her list of names to pick her up” I nod hoping that Cuff hacked into it right and added my name


“Your name?”

“Socket” I tell her and she walks over to her computer playing with the mouse than looks up smiling

“Your Wiley’s father” I nod

“I am”

“Well, she’s sleeping at the moment do you want me to wake her?”

“Yes please” I follow her through the rooms when she stops at a nursery full of cots, she walks in slowly and I watch as she leans down pickin’ up the kid (fuck she’s grown). She walks over handing her to me and her little eyes look up at me (Wiley) her beautiful blue eyes so much like Dove’s

“Do you need any help?”

“No thank you” I take the bag she has for her and I take her out to my truck and strap her into her new car seat that I just bought.Chapter Forty-TwoDove

I walk out of work my back aching from being on my feet all day, the second I sit in my car I take a deep breath. One of the springs stick into my side but I just move over a bit starting the engine, it takes a couple of goes but it finally kicks to life and I back out of my space and head to the day-care centre to pick Wiley up. As I get out of the car I see one of the women staring at me and I walk inside where I see the reception women standing, when she sees me she frowns walking over to me “Dove did I forget to give Wiley something” she says and I look at her


“The gentlemen who picked Wiley up did I forget to give him something” I shake my head confused at her

“What gentleman?” I ask her

“Wiley’s father, Socket” she says and I start to panic looking around

“What do you mean? Socket picked her up?” one of the other women come over

“Is there a problem?” and I look at her

“You let him just take her!”

“He was on the list of names as a pick up, I just assumed he was here to collect her”

“YOU ASSUMED! YOU ASSUMED!” I yell and she steps away from me as my heart starts to beat so fast at the thought of Socket taking her

“Miss Baker please” she says but I run out of the centre grabbing my bag, I hit Socket’s number and it rings out so I call it again

“Hello” he says and I hate that I love his voice but I’m so fucking pissed at him for taking Wiley

“Where the fuck is my daughter?”

“You mean my daughter” he says

“Socket, give her back!”

“I don’t think I will, I told you before the only place your lookin’ after my daughter was under my roof”