Chapter FortyDove

As I pull into the compound of The Devils Soldiers Oregon Chapter my heart is racing “Oh my god look at all of these bikers” Sandra sings in excitement but I look around hoping no one from home is here, I know the guys always travel to other Chapters when there doing business. The girls telling me about all of the other Chapters the Devils Soldiers have, I should have known I would have run into them at one time or another. Sandra gets out of the car as the Rex guy walks up and she smiles at him “It’s definitely the leather jacket” I whisper to myself as I get out of the car

“Stay with me darlin’” Rex says and I nod. The place looks like the compound at home and I feel a tear slide down my face and I wipe it away fast so no one sees. I follow Sandra and Rex into the clubhouse and look around, it’s the same layout pool table sofas stage huge bar naked women (yep exactly the same) we make our way to the bar and Rex turns to me “What are ya drinkin’?”

“Tequila” I say and he smiles

“My kinda women” he says and Sandra looks at me (she has no idea) he hands me the shot and I shoot it down needing all the liquid courage I can get

“Another” I ask and he smiles

“Definingly my kinda women.” I roll my eyes at him thinking of Cookie and how much of a flirt he is and I smile, we sit drinking for a few hours Rex introducing us to the other members and some women when I’m grabbed around the waist and lifted up and I scream. I hear a woman laughing as I’m placed back on my feet and turn around to see Scythe and Widow staring at me (fuck)

“Dove” they both say and the group we were talking to turns to look at me

“You know her?” Rex says and they both nod their heads

“We do” they both say and I take another shot

“Bitch where the fuck, have you been?” Widow asks and I look around and notice we’ve now got an audience

“I’ve been here”

“And what about Socket?”

“You know Socket” Bear asks me

“Yes, she knows Socket, she’s his old lady” Scythe says

“You’re an old lady” he asks and I shake my head

“No, I’m not”

“Like fuck” Scythe says

“Dove” Widow says and all of the liquid courage has me standing up for myself

“Widow, he left me and his daughter so don’t tell me I’m his old lady, I stopped being his the second he abandoned us”

“Dove he loves you” I laugh looking around and the whores come to mind

“Tell me, has he been fucking the whores” they both look at each other and I smile

“See, he couldn’t give to fucks about me or Wiley, so Socket can go fuck all the whores he wants because he’s never getting between my legs ever again”

“Can I” someone yells and I turn and look at a tall Blonde guy and I nod


“Fuck off Magic she’s taken” Scythe says walking off

“Dove” Widow says but I run after Scythe as he puts his phone to his ear and I grab it before the call can go through

“Dove what the fuck?” he says looking down at me

“Please don’t”

“Dove, Socket’s my Brother”

“I know but please, I’m starting a new life”


“Scythe he left me, me and Wiley he probably doesn’t even know I’m gone” he looks at Widow who’s shaking her head

“Baby” he says

“She’s right Scythe, Socket left her, so he doesn’t have the right to say anything”

“Wiley’s a Devil baby, I can’t ignore that shit”

“Please” I beg both of them

“I tell you what, if we get back and he doesn’t know your gone we won’t say anything, but if he’s lookin’ for you where gonna tell him” he says and I nod


“Alright, I need a fuckin’ drink” Scythe says and I spend the rest of the night with my two friends who I have missed so much.Chapter Forty-OneSocket

I pace behind Cuff as he does his computer thing “Brother if you don’t fuck off I’m closing this and goin’ back to fuckin’ Bliss”

“Cuff don’t be an asshole”

“Then fuck off and let me do my thing”


After I left the clubhouse to see if the women where lying, when I got to the house it was empty, all of Dove and the kids’ shit was gone. I look around to see if she left a letter but there was nothin’. I pick up the little teddy bear that was on the coffee table and stare at it. I know this is all my fault and a tear slides down my cheek, I’ve missed her every fuckin’ minute of the day every day since I left. I would lay in bed at night thinkin’ about her and everything in me screaming to stop bein’ a fuckhead and come home and hold her. I wanted to ride past or make some excuse to come over but I never did and now the house was empty again. Except this time my heart ached for her, I hold the bear to my chest Wiley’s bright blue eyes comin’ to mind. “Fuck I even miss the kid” I tell an empty house sitting back lookin’ up at the ceiling, I stood back up and headed back to the clubhouse to Cuff.