But by the second month I gave up, the girls tried to console me but without Socket it just wasn’t the same. He still put money into my bank account, but it just felt wrong to touch. Wiley was now Seven months old and was eating food which was good and the biggest bonus she started to sleep all night which my system loved. I was now a functioning adult again so I decided to look for a job, Wiley was old enough to go into day care so I searched for over a week, when I got a call back from a store. The women seemed nice, the only down side was it was up in Seattle. I’d managed to get my car from the compound with the help of the girls and packed all of Wiley’s things. I hadn’t told the girls I was going and it killed me that I was doing this, but the only reason we were here was because Socket wanted me to look after Wiley in his house. Now there was no use, he didn’t want me and he sure as fuck didn’t want Wiley.

As I pulled out of the drive a tear slid down my cheek, the beautiful home I shared with a man I loved hurt my heart so much it ached and I wonder if my sister felt the same way when she drove away from the same house.


I found a small apartment just on the outskirts of the city, it was much better than my last apartment, Wiley even had her own room. As we settled into our new life things started to go well for me, the new job I was in was a small boutique in the city and I really enjoyed it. Wiley was in a day care and life seemed good, the girls called but I just couldn’t handle it so I changing my number. This was a new start for Wiley and I and nothing was going to derail it.


The first month of working at Elixir was great, I got on well with my co-workers one in particular. Sandra and I where the same age and she had a son who was four months older than Wiley

“So, are we going to the fights tonight?” she asks me and I shrug

“I don’t know”

“Oh, come on, there’s supposed to be some really hot men there” she says wiggling her eyebrows at me making me smile

“No, I have Wiley”

“And I told you Mom has her, come on, I never get to go out and when my sister told me about this it seemed like fun, come on I need a night away from crying babies and snotty noses” I laugh rolling my eyes

“Fine, but I’m not looking for anyone”

“You never know” she says nudging me with her shoulder as the door to the store rings and we both look up smiling


As we pulled up to an old warehouse my heart started to pound “I don’t think this is a good idea”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic” she tells me getting out of the car and I look up at the building, its one stiff gust of wind away from falling down. “Come on” she says and I get out of the car and she loops her arm in mine and we walk towards the door. The sounds of cheers can be heard as we get closer and the scene in front of me reminds me of the movie fight club. As we walk in the sounds are deafening, screams ohhs and arrs ring out and we walk through the crowd. As we get closer to the front Sandra motions to a couple of empty seats and we make our way towards them, we get the usual catcalls as we walk through the crowd one person grabbing my ass making me jump and Sandra turns to look at me. “What?” she yells in my ear the yelling so loud I can hardly hear her but I just shake my head. We sit facing a make shift ring and I look around at all of the people, the excitement on their faces as the two men in the ring punch and kick each other. “OMG look how hot they are” Sandra yells in my ears and I shake my head smiling at her, she’s practically drooling as the two men pummel each other. As a bell rings there pulled apart and one man has his hand raised and the screams are now at ear splitting levels whistles but boos among the people who aren’t happy he won. “God, I want to have his babies” Sandra says and I laugh “I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABIES!” she calls out and the guy turns and looks at her winking and she turns to me jumping up and down. “Oh my god he winked at me” she beams as I sit down as people start to calm down and two more fighters get in the ring. We watch three more fights but the sounds of the two bodies hitting each other was starting to make me sick and I tap Sandra on the arm and she looks at me “You ok?” I shake my head really wanting to get out of here