“He threw up after changing her diaper” I nod


“What a pussy” Tink says and we all laugh louder.Chapter Thirty-EightSocket

The past month with Dove has been amazing, she’s in my bed every night and I wake up to her gorgeous smiling face every fuckin’ day, what more could a man want

“So, when are you and Dove gettin’ married?” Cuff asks me and I turn and look at him

“Who the fuck said where gettin’ married”

“Oh, come on man, I’ve seen you with her. Your totally pussy whipped and all you fuckers have either knocked them up or proposed, so when is the wedding?”

“I’m not proposing to her”

“What? you don’t want to marry her?” (Yeah, I do but I’m not telling him that)

“Cuff fuck off and go back to work”

“I don’t have anyone comin’ in until later”

“Then go and get some lunch” he rolls his eyes

“Fine what the fuck do you want?”

“Just the usual.” He walks off and I wait until I hear the bell go over the door and I open my top drawer and pull out the diamond engagement ring I got last week. The diamond sparkles as the light from above hits it and I smile

“Oh, my fucking god, is that what I think it is?” Chelsea says and I close the top and it makes a snapping noise and I put it back in my draw

“No, it wasn’t”

“Oh god, are you going to propose to Dove?”

“Chelsea mind your own business” I tell her and she looks nervous “What?”

“Socket, are you sure you want to marry her?”

“Why the fuck wouldn’t I” she bites her lip shuffling on her feet “Chelsea!”

“It’s just, you’ve only been with her a while”

“And?” she takes a deep breath and looks me right in the eye

“Look, I overheard Tink on the phone the other day saying that Dove had a DNA test done on you because she didn’t think you where Wiley’s dad”

“How the fuck did she do a test without me?” she shrugs her shoulders and I think about the day we were at the clubhouse and the old ladies’ door was closed (Fuck she’s totally fucking playing me she knows I’m not Wiley’s Dad) I storm out past Chelsea who tries to grab my arm but I push her back and head to my bike (How fuckin’ stupid am I). As I pull into the drive I see Niya’s truck sitting in the drive and I run up the stairs and her and Niya turn and look at me

“Socket your home early”

“Niya can you leave, I need to talk to Dove” she nods standing up picking up Pepper

“Call me later” Niya says and Dove nods. I don’t turn as she walks past me and I wait until I hear Niya’s truck go down the drive as Dove just stares at me

“So, what’s up?”

“Did you do a DNA test to see if Wiley was mine?” she looks surprised and I know she did without her even sayin’ anything

“How did you find out?”

“Does it matter”


“Is she even mine?” she nods

“Yes, you’re her father”

“Where you even gonna tell me” she bites her lip lookin’ down at the kid “WELL!” I yell and the kid starts crying and I watch as she goes over and picks the kid up “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Does it matter, she’s yours”

“Yeah it fuckin’ matters, I hate looking like a fuckin’ idiot”

“How do you look like an idiot? she’s your daughter”

“Yeah, but you lied you didn’t know that until you did the test”

“I didn’t know Simone was sleeping with someone else, when I found out I didn’t know what to do”

“You didn’t know what to do but you done a test?” she nods “how did you get my sample”

“I used your toothbrush”

“You swabbed my toothbrush for a sample” she nods again and I try and stand as still as possible. Because if I move I’m gonna lose my fuckin’ shit, it’s bad enough that she’s lied to me

“She is your daughter Socket”

“Let me see the results” she goes up stairs bringing back an envelope and I take the paper out and read it looking at my daughter “Who was Jewel sleeping with?”

“Some guy named Carlo” I try and think if I know anyone with that name coming up empty

“So, you find out she was fuckin’ around on me and that the kid might not even be mine and you what, you don’t say shit”

“I was going to”

“So why didn’t you?”

“I…I” she says and I shake my head

“You know what? fuck you and her” not wanting to hear another lie I turn around and walk out the door not lookin’ back (lyin’ fuckin’ bitch, just like her sister).Chapter Thirty-NineDove

I call Socket daily for the next month I even go to the clubhouse but don’t get past the front gates, Steven and Chase where told I was no longer allowed at the clubhouse. So, whenever I went there I was turned away, I went to his work place but he was never there. I’d done everything to try and get in contact with him but he’d cut me out of his life. Wiley and I where nothing to him anymore and I cried myself to sleep as the weeks went on.