“Yeah let’s go home.”Chapter Thirty-SevenDove

The next month flew by so fast, I’d ordered one of those do it yourself DNA tests online. I swabbed Socket’s toothbrush and Wiley’s check and now sat her with the envelope in my hand. When the delivery guy dropped it off my heart was racing. As I stare down at the envelope my palms were sweating “Don’t be a pussy just open it” I tell myself ripping the top off and pull the piece of paper out my eyes closed so tight. I open the paper and look down reading numbers seeing a chart and not really understanding what the hell it all meant until I got to the last part 99.9% probability of father (Socket is the Dad) I sit back as a tear slides down my cheek and I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad. I look over at a sleeping Wiley “At least we know” I whisper to her putting the test back in the envelope and run upstairs and place it in one of the boxes belonging to my sister. I look at the two boxes of my sister things, how sad is that, a person’s whole life put into two boxes. I head back down stairs as Wiley starts to fuss and I pick her up, she’s grown so fast in such a short space of time. I take a photo of her at least once a day, her hair growing fast and I swear she’s doubled in size. She’s even sleeping a lot more which is good for me, how Tink done this with three babies is beyond me. I hear a car pull up and go to the front door and see all the girls pull in, I watch as they get all the kids out and I go to the kitchen and turn on the kettle. “Aunty Dove” I hear Prim call out and I smile, she started calling me that last week and I sort of love it “In hear Prim” I call out and she comes running around the corner smiling, her gorgeous blue eyes shining bright and her gorgeous long blonde hair up in pig tails “Do you like my dress? Mia made it for me” I look down at the pink princess dress and smile, I ‘d met Mia a few weeks back and liked her instantly

“She did, lucky you” she does a little twirl and then curtsy and I curtsy back and she laughs

“Prim can you watch the babies honey” Zoey asks her and she nods smiling “Ok Aunty Zoey” she runs off and I laugh

“Mia made her dress?” I ask and Zoey nods

“Yeah, she dropped it off yesterday, I don’t think she’s taken it off since she got it”

“She hasn’t” Tink says walking in

“Cup of coffee, tea anyone”

“Coffee would be good” they all say, as everyone sits down and gets comfortable. I slip back upstairs bringing the DNA results with me, I hand them to Niya as I walk in and she looks up at me

“When did they come?” she asks

“About an hour ago”

“Shit, can I” I nod and she takes out the paper opening it up

“Are you happy or sad?” she asks me

“A bit of both, we know who her father is but Wiley is Simone’s baby and I’m with him now”

“Socket loves you Dove, he never loved Jewel” She says and I laugh

“He doesn’t love me” I tell them

“Oh, he loves you’re alright” Tink says and I look at her

“How do you know that?” she smiles

“When I was in the shop yesterday, I needed a client’s name to rebook a time to do his tattoo and Socket had the information in his room, as I was in there I noticed his sketch book and I pulled it out. It was full of little doves of all sizes and shapes it was packed with them”

“Dove’s?” I ask her and she smiles

“Yeah, he’s totally in love with you women, got doves on the brain” I smile thinking about Socket sitting thinking about me

“How do you feel about him?” Zoey asks me

“I’m totally head over heels in love with him” I tell them all honestly and they all smile

“Well, trust us when we tell you he loves you”

“Are you going to tell him about the test” Lilly asks and I shrug

“Do you think I should?” I ask them all

“No” they all say

“Are you sure?”

“Dove the only reason you done the test was so you knew, if Socket wants it done in the future than tell him, but for now just leave it” Niya says and I nod

“Your right as far as he’s concerned he’s Wiley’s father”

“How’s that going? has he gotten any better?” Maggie asks

“Well he did change her diaper the other day”

“How did that go?”

“Well he threw up after vowing never to do it again, but it was ok” they all laugh