“Whose Diamond?” I ask them

“She and Jewel used to work together at Pink Slip” Tink says

“What about Bunny, she might know?”

“No, her and Jewel weren’t as close like her and Diamond”

“Call her” Lilly says to Niya and she pulls out her phone, the ringing goes on for a minute when a women’s voice comes through the speaker

“Niya how the hell are you?” a woman says over the speaker and they all smile

“Good Diamond, how are you?” the sounds of a party in the background

“I’m on top of the world, so how are all the others, Lena dropped that kid yet”

“No, I haven’t” Lena says


“Hey Diamond, where all here” she says and they all say hi

“Any way Diamond were ringing for a reason”

“Oh, please don’t tell me that hunky husband and you have broken up, because that will burst my bubble of the happily ever after”

“No no, it’s about Jewel”

“Oh shit, yeah I heard about her, how are you all?”

“It was a shock, how are you?”

“Annoyed she stopped returning all my calls texts everything, it was like she dropped off the face of the earth”

“Yeah we know”

“So, what do you want to know about?”

“Did you know she had a baby” Niya asks her but Diamond doesn’t say anything “Diamond are you still there”

“Yeah give me a second” we hear moving a door opening and then closing and another door open and close the silence on the line telling us she’s alone “So she had the baby”

“You knew she was pregnant?”

“Yeah she told me”

“Why didn’t she tell us?”

“Because your all so close and she didn’t want to get any of you in trouble”

“God, we were her friends, she could have trusted us”

“I know the feeling”

“Anyway, look we found out she was seeing some guy named C do you know who he is”

“Yeah I know”

“Who?” she takes a deep breath

“Do you remember years ago Niya when you were kidnapped by the Dragon Kings”


“Do you remember Nico”

“Yeah, I do”

“Well it’s his brother Carlo”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, they met way back then and slept together a couple of times but it was never serious, then he stops calling her for years than he popped up when she was dating Socket, she told me they’d been sleeping with each other again but like before he disappeared and didn’t come back. She knew Socket didn’t want kids and to tell the truth she didn’t know who the Dad was Carlo or Socket so she left and that was the last time I heard from her”

“Fuck” Tink says and we all nod

“So, it could be Socket’s?” I ask

“Who’s that?”

“Um, I’m Dove, Simone was my sister”

“Wiley” she says and I nod


“She always regretted leaving you, but she couldn’t take your Mom anymore”

“She did” I whisper hating that we never reconnected

“Yeah, I’m sorry for your loss”

“Thank you”

“Look I have to go girls it was so good talking to you all take care and keep in touch ok”

“Bye Diamond” they all say and I look down at my niece

“Why did Diamond call you Wiley?” Ella asks me and I smile

“When I was little, Simone use to say I was a wiley one, so she used to call me that all the time”

“Aww that’s so sweet, she named her daughter after you” Zoey says as a tear slides down my cheek

“Yeah” I say as Niya reaches over and squeezes my arm

“Ok so how are we going to find this Carlo guy?” Lena says

“I still say we sneak the DNA test first, then if Socket isn’t the Dad than we worry about this Carlo guy” Abbey says and we all nod

“Yeah, I agree with Abbey we do the test first and go from there” Maggie stands up pouring out a shot for us all and we all grab it

“TO SNEAKING AROUND!” she whisper- shouts and we lift our glasses shooting them back.Chapter Thirty-SixSocket

All the girls come back in and Dove and Ella walk towards us, Ella holding her son in her arms and Dove carrying the kid in her car seat

“Hey baby you girls all good?” Blaze asks Ella and she nods lookin’ at Dove and I know somethin’ is up with these chicks

“Yeah, all good, can we go I’m tired.” Blaze puts his drink down and stands up takin’ his son

“You ok?” he asks her and she nods

“Yeah I’m good”

“Ok Brother see ya tomorrow, night Dove”

“Night Brother” I pull Dove to me and lift her chin “You gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”

“Nothing’s going on Socket can we go”

“Sure” I take the kid off of her and she turns and waves at the girls and I see Abbey makin’ a blowjob gesture and Dove smiles shakin’ her head “What the fuck is that about?” I ask her and she blushes

“Abbey thinks I should give you more blowjobs” I turn and Abbey winks

“Well I like the way she thinks” I tell her puttin’ my arm over her shoulders and walkin’ with her