Dear Simone

Oh god baby I’m so happy where going to have a baby, I know I will make you happy. Our baby is the beginning of a whole new life for us you me and our baby, please stop shutting me out. I love you so much Simone please baby answer me

Love Always Cxoxo

I sit back and read the letter again (Socket’s not the Wiley’s Dad) I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad about it. If Socket isn’t the Dad than what does that mean for us, will he want Wiley and I to move out “Fuck” I sit there for so long my ass gets numb and Wiley wakes up. I put all of the things back in the boxes except for the love letters from C whoever the fuck he is and go to Wiley.

By five I’m pacing the house, the love letters playing in my head over and over (should I just tell him) oh god what the fuck do I do. Socket comes walking in and I stand up my heart pounding, every foot step making feel like I’m stepping closer to a cliffs edge

“Hey baby have a good day?” he asks me and I nod


“Good let’s go than” he picks up Wiley and I follow him out to his truck and I get in, my heart now racing and my palms sweating “Dove” he says and I look at him


“You sure you’re ok?” I nod smiling

“All good”

As we pull into the compound I see some of the guys all sitting out the front talking and laughing, I go to the back and get Wiley out and Socket takes my hand and I notice some of the guys smiling

“Go inside baby” he tells me and I walk in leaving them all there, as I walk in I see Niya and the other all sitting on the sofas and I walk over

“Hey girl you want a drink?” Abbey asks me and I nod

“Yes, please a double” I say and they all stare at me

“Something up Dove” I shake my head and they all stare at me

“What is going on?” Niya says and I look around to make sure Socket isn’t anywhere near and I pull the last love letter out of my pocket and hand it to her. They all stare at it but Niya opens it, the surprised look has her standing up

“I think we should take this outside” she says and I nod lifting Wiley and the rest of the girls follow us out not saying anything until Niya closes the doors behind us and they all stare between the two of us but don’t say anything until Niya sits down

“What’s up?” Maggie asks and Niya hands her the note

“Holy shit” Maggie says and Niya and I nod at the same time

“What is it?” Lilly asks and one by one the letter goes around until I have it back in my hand

“Jesus christ” Abbey says

“What do I do?” I ask them

“Tell him” Tink says

“We don’t even know if it’s true” Lena says

“How about a DNA test” Ella says and I nod

“Yeah I think that’s the best idea” I tell them

“And what are you going to say, you know what Socket maybe my sister was sleeping around and we should have a DNA test done to see if your Wiley’s father, yeah that will go down great” Abbey says

“What if he kicks us out?” I voice my concern

“No, Socket wouldn’t do that, he’s not that vindictive” Maggie says

“So, what do I do?” I ask again

“How about we sneak a test” Lilly says

“How in the hell do we do that?”

“Steal his toothbrush and send it in with a swab from Wiley’s cheek” Sheryl says and I look at her

“And what do I say when he asks where it is?”

“Say you dropped it in the toilet when you were cleaning” Tink says

“I dropped it in the toilet” she nods

“Oh god, Socket is totally going to kick me out and I’m going to have to go back and be a waitress because no way will the Oki hire me back” I say putting my head in my hands

“It won’t be that bad, just tell Socket and see what happens” Zoey says and I know I’m going to have to fess up

“Give him a good blowjob before you do it, get him all calm before you drop the bomb” Abbey says

“ABBEY!” Lena Maggie Niya and Tink say but Abbey smiles rolling her eyes

“Oh, please she’s totally got the look of a women who has been thoroughly fucked, I bet she’s already given him a blowjob” I totally go red feeling embarrassed that she knows that, she laughs as they all look at me

“Oh my god you have” Zoey says and I bite my lip looking down and she laughs

“Have you?” Niya asks and I nod and they all laugh and Niya pats my leg “Do you like him?” I nod again