The rumble of bikes pullin’ into the compound has me gettin’ up and heading for the shower, when I come back out Lila’s gone and I dress quickly grabbin’ my roll and bag and head downstairs to the Brothers.

“Man, I fuckin’ love this time of the year” Cookie says bouncing around like a fuckhead

“Dude calm down you’re a biker not some fuckin’ pussy poser” Scyth says and Cookie gives him the finger as Widow walks up holding onto their little girl Arlia and she holds out her hands for her Dad. Scythe takes her off of Widow as Codi, Caleb and Mason run by and Widow grabs Mason as he just passes her

“Mom what the hell?”

“Boy” Scythe says and the kid rolls his eyes

“Sorry Mom”

“I’ve told you to not run in the clubhouse” she scolds him

“Fine, sorry” his little smart-ass comment makin’ me smile (we’ll make a Devil out of him yet)

“Where are you boys running off to anyway?” she asks them

“To the front, we like watching all the boys roll in” she smiles letting him go and pulling him to her and she gives him a kiss on the cheek

“Aww mom” he groans as he wipes his cheek

“Love you love you love you” she says, each word and another kiss

“Mom, not in front of the guys” he tells her pushing away from her puffing his chest out and she smiles as the other kids giggle

“Go on and stay to the side of the building”

“We know” they all say in unison running off

“So, you stayin’ behind than?” Cookie asks her and she nods

“Yeah, need to be on tap for this little one” she says rubbin’ her daughter’s cheek

“Don’t worry Widow, well keep your hubby out of trouble and safe” Cookie says and she turns lookin’ at him smiling and I step back

“If he doesn’t come back in one piece, you’re the one that’s gonna pay now you’ve said you’ll look out for him” she tells Cookie and he stops smiling

“But…” she holds up her hand

“It’s done, he comes back with even a scratch I’m gonna shoot you.” Cookie pales and we all laugh as he narrows his eyes givin’ us all the finger walkin’ off and she laughs louder.

“You gonna be good baby?” Scythe asks her and Widow smiles again but it’s a different smile and it makes me think of Jewel (I wonder where she is, if she’s ok?).I leave Widow and Scythe and head out to my bike as Colt and Stryker pull in, Niya and Lilly’s trucks pull in after them. “Yo man you ready for the run?” I smile at Stryker’s enthusiasm

“Fuck yes” I tell them both as Niya, Lilly and the kids all walk up, Colt takes pepper off of Niya and Stryker takes Cooper. “Damn this place is full of babies and kids” I tell them and they all smile

“Who would have thought it huh?” Stryker says pullin’ Lilly to him (not fuckin’ me that’s for sure).


It takes over an hour for everyone to be ready to pull out. As I sit on my bike and all the guys say goodbye to their women. I remember when Jewel used to be here and I shake my head of the thought of her (she’s fuckin’ gone and never comin’ back) I remind myself

“You ready?” Cuff asks all smiles

“Fuck yes, I need to get away from all of these fuckin’ kids” I tell him and laughs

“I feel ya Brother, I fuckin’ feel ya” he tells me as five hellions run past screamin’.Chapter ThreeDove

The next few days goes by so fast and I’d been getting things ready for Jewel’s funeral, I never knew how much went into planning a funeral before even the simplest things felt huge.

It was my day off so I decide to go over to Simone’s and to start to clear out her stuff from her apartment.

I grab my keys and drive over there which was on the other side of town, the good side, nothing like the shitty neighbourhood I lived in. I look around at all of the nice houses, tree lined roads and dream (maybe one day this could be me) I smile. “Yeah and pigs can fly” I tell myself as I pull into a very expensive apartment complex.

I look around to see if anyone is watching, I’m sure there calling the cops as my piece of shit Maita pulls up and I pull out Simone’s keys and look at the number 107. As I travel up the elevator I look in the mirror that surrounds me and feel so out of place “Were not in Kansas anymore” I whisper to myself as the doors open and I step out looking down the long corridor. As I get to 107 my hand shakes as I put the key in the lock and unlock it, I open the door into a large living area and don’t know if I should take my shoes off or not. The stark white carpet makes me hesitate and I slowly walk in looking around, this is definitely not in Kansas. Everything smells so clean, no mould anywhere. I go to walk down the hall when there’s a knock at the door and I freeze (shit maybe someone did call the cops), I go to the door and open it and standing there is a woman with a baby in her arms.