Chapter Twenty-FourSocket

When I heard the kid screaming again I groaned, it just felt like Dove feed her for fucks sakes. As I walked into the kitchen I saw how tired Dove looked and how fuckin’ gorgeous she was with her hair all messy on top of her head, her slim neck and perfect tits getting me hard (fuck) I watch her face and notice a look of worry “What was the look for than?” I ask wonderin’ if she’s havin’ second thoughts about lookin’ after the kid or movin’ in with me

“Just wondering if I’m feeding her enough or too much” she says and I look at the kid

“Where’s the tin?” I ask her and she points to the pantry, I lift the tin down and read the instruction two fl oz one scoop eight fl oz with four scoops (what the fuck) I look at her again than at the kid “This is so fuckin’ confusing how in the fuck are you supposed to know how many fuckin’ scoops to put in” she laughs

“You suppose to measure her weight to how many Oz you give her” she says, why do they make this so fuckin’ hard

“So, you weight the kid and work out how many bottles and scoops of formula to give her?” I ask and she nods


“Jesus don’t they make bottles already made up” she laughs again and I love it

“Socket shut up” she says my dick so fuckin’ hard “What?” she says

“Nothin’” I say needin’ to get away from her, I ask what the fuck she’s gonna do today

“Well I’ll fix up Wiley’s room and do some washing”

“Nothin’ else” she shakes her head


“Ok well I gotta get ready for work” I tell her needin’ to relieve the pressure in my dicks that’s ready to explode any minute

“Do you want a coffee?” she asks me as I walk to the door

“Thanks that’ll be good” as I walk up the stairs I walk past her room again and my dick strains harder (fuckin’ hell). I get in the shower and rub my dick, the thought of her the only thing I can think about. I come hard watchin’ my seed run down the drain and think of Dove again “Jesus pull your shit together” I tell myself gettin’ out and dressin’ for work. As I get back down stairs the kids sittin’ in her car seat fast asleep and Dove’s moving around the kitchen, the smell of bacon cooking making my mouth water. As I walk into the kitchen she smiles handing me a plate

“Breakfast is ready” she says and my dick twitches back to life at her smile

“You didn’t have to do that” I tell her and she shrugs

“It’s the least I could do, so when do you think I can get my car?” she asks and I wonder where the fuck she needs to go

“Why?” I ask

“I don’t want to leave it at the clubhouse” I think of the piece of shit she drives and flashes of the van from Gunner and Chance’s accident flash in my mind and I start to panic, if Dove was in an accident that fuckin’ pathetic piece of shit wouldn’t protect her from anything “Socket” she says and I look at her again


“My car” she says but I shake my head

“Its goin’ to the scrap yard” she frowns putting her hand on her hip

“Socket” I shake my head not even arguing about it

“No Dove, it’s a piece of shit and if you get into an accident you could get hurt” I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me

“How in the hell am I supposed to run errands” I walk over to the front table and hand her my truck keys and she looks at them

“Use my truck” she shakes her head no “Yes, no arguing, think of the kid” I tell her using the kid as an excuse to keep her safe and she bites her lip looking at the baby

“Fine, but only for her” she says as I bite into the most gorgeous eggs

“Fuck, these are amazing” she smiles

“Not too hot” she asks and I shake my head

“Fuck no there great” she beams at me with the biggest smile and everything in me wants to pull her to me and kiss her

“Not many people like them”

“Well their idiots” I tell her and watch as she goes over to the sink and I look at her ass and legs (fuckin’ hell)Chapter Twenty-FiveDove

After Socket left for work I took Wiley back upstairs and had a nap, the sheer exhaustion I felt was clouding my mind. My back was still a little sore and my head screaming at me to sleep, I lay her down next to me and slowly drift off to sleep still feeling safe.


I wake to knocking and look at Wiley who’s still sleeping and look at the clock “Shit I’ve slept for two hours” the knocking goes again and I place pillows all around Wiley and head down to the front door.