
I sit for a few more hours and start to feel tired, Wiley stays awake the whole time thank goodness hopefully she’ll sleep all night and I yawn stretching and Niya smiles “I think I’m gonna head out” I tell all the girls and they smile

“We’ll see you soon” Niya says and I nod

“Night” I tell them all carrying Wiley into the clubhouse where I find Socket at the bar with one of the bitches from the store rubbing her tits all over him

“Socket” I say and he turns looking at me

“You ok?” I yawn again and he smiles “You tired?” I nod “Let’s go” he says and I’m surprised he wants to leave with me

“Its fine you stay, just give me the address”

“Come on” he says and we walk out together and I look back and the whore is giving me the stink eye and everything in me wants to give her the finger but I turn back around following Socket

“I thought we were leaving?” I ask him

“We are” he says and I look at him confused

“My cars over there” he laughs stops and looks at me

“That is a piece of shit and I’m not gettin’ into it, where takin’ my truck” he says

“Your truck?”

“Yes, we have all the shopping and shit for the kid in it so where taking my truck”

“But my car”

“Leave it, it’s safe” I nod really not in the mood to argue and Socket takes Wiley from me and I head to the passenger’s side door and get in. Socket growls and I turn and look at him

“What?” I ask but he just shakes his head

“Nothin’” he says getting in as Steven opens the gates for him


It’s a flash back to when I was a little girl and I saw this gorgeous play house with a happy family plastered all over the box, the miniature furniture and little stickers that you could decorate yourself. As I look around I walk into a huge kitchen all new appliances and wonder if my sister ever cooked. We walk down a hall and Socket points to a door “Gym, study and movie room” he says pointing to each door and I nod “Come on rooms are upstairs” he takes my hand and my skin tingles with his touch “Empty, empty, your room bathroom and my room at the end”

“Are we going to do a nursery for Wiley?” I ask him and he takes a deep breath looking right at me

“Look Dove, I’m gonna be honest with you” I nod my head really needing honesty if where going to be living with each other “I’m havin’ a really fuckin’ hard time comin’ to terms with havin’ a kid, I never and I mean I never wanted one, but like you said she’s here and I can’t change that. It’s gonna take me a bit of time so just give me that ok” I nod liking the honesty

“I need to tell you Socket, I won’t stand for you to bring whores here or other women while Wiley is here” he frowns at me

“Who the fuck said I’d bring women here?” I shrug and he narrows his eyes “I’m no saint and no one has ever been to my house” he tells me and I feel a little sense of relief

“No one?” I ask and he shakes his head

“No one” he repeats and I nod

“Good, just so where clear” I say

“And just so we are clear, no men for you either” I snort at that and he looks at me

“What’s with the snort?”

“Socket, I have no time for men now or in the near future” I tell him, I can’t even remember the last time I had sex, maybe two, no, three years ago (shit I didn’t even realise)

“Good” he says and I frown, glad he’s happy


It takes just over an hour to get everything finished, while I put all of the shopping away Socket put Wiley’s cot together. I was really surprised when he came back into the kitchen “All done” he’d said

“You’re finished?” he nods

“Yep, it wasn’t that hard” I smile impressed “You still tired?” he asks me and I nod

“Yeah, I never realised how hard it was to look after such a tiny human” he smiles looking at Wiley “Do you want to hold her” he shakes his head and I know he’s nervous


“Oh, come on” I tell him and walk him to the stool “Stay” I tell him and he smiles

“Yes ma’am” he says and I smile lifting Wiley out of her car seat and placing her in his arms. I watch as he looks at his daughter and I feel like an intruder in one of the most important moments of someone’s life, he looks up at me and I have a tear in my eye. It slides down my cheek and he lifts his hand wiping it away and I step back but he moves his hand to the back of my neck standing up and I look up at him. He moves forward with a sleeping Wiley in his arms and leans down, my girly parts burning to life with his touch, as his lips touch mine. A fire ignites and I moan, my brain shutting down enjoying the feeling of him “Fuck” he says stepping back and I jolt back to reality stepping away from him