“Dove, I bought all that stuff for you” I tell her and she laughs

“Socket my apartment is smaller than the pool table, I wouldn’t be able to fit any of that stuff in it”

“I know”

“Then why did you buy it?”

“Because you and the kid are movin’ in with me” she shakes her head stepping back

“No, I don’t think so” she says but I nod

“Oh, it’s done Dove, all your shits at my house already” I tell her


“Yep, moved it out today, it’s at mine” she still shakes her head

“I can’t live with you Socket” she says and I get pissed off ready to bend her over and spank her ass

“Yes, you are and its already done, there’s nothin’ left at your place but the ugly fuckin’ sofa”

“You can’t do that!” she says a little loud

“Oh, but I have” I tell her and she walks off

“Good night” she says and I watch as she walks out, Steven is just about to open the gate when I yell out

“DON’T FUCKIN’ OPEN THAT” they both turn and look at me and she growls at me and I smile (feisty)

“Socket don’t be a dick, I have to go” I shake my head

“You’re not goin’ anywhere” I tell her and she raises her hand up and then back down

“Socket I have to go, I need to go and talk to Oki”

“Don’t give a fuck” I tell her and she turns to Steven

“Open the gate please” but Steven doesn’t move “OPEN THE DAMN GATE!” she yells and tries to push him out of the way, but he won’t move

“Told ya darlin’ you’re not goin’ anywhere”

“ARGH, DON’T BE A DICK LET ME OUT!” I smile shakin’ my head

“No can-do Dove”

“God, are you deaf, I CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO WORK!”

“Fine, the kids mine, so I’ll pay you to watch her” she looks at me like I’ve gone crazy and I notice we have an audience and she shakes her head

“Socket I’m not taking your money I need to work”

“Why?” I ask her

“Because I do”

“Dove you’re not workin’ at Pink Slip”

“Fine, then I’ll get my old job back at the dinner”

“Dove don’t be a hardass, you say the kids mine so I’ll take responsibility for her, but she lives under my roof and I’ll pay you to be her permanent babysitter”

“You’ll pay me to look after Wiley” I nod

“Yep, but under my roof, nowhere else”


“Because” I say and she gives me the stink eye

“How much?” she asks me

“How much where you makin’ at your last job”

“With tips, I make about two-fifty a week” I’m completely shocked

“You make two hundred and fifty dollars a week, how often do you work?” I ask in disbelief

“About forty-five hours a week”

“Fuck off!” I tell her and she shrugs blushing’

“Damn” Cuff says and I notice all the boys lookin’ at me

“How the fuck, do you eat with that sort of money?” Blaze asks her

“I like ramen noodles” she says and my palms are itchin’ to turn her over and slap that damn sexy ass

“I’ll pay you three fifty” I tell her and she looks shocked

“You’ll pay me three hundred and fifty dollars to look after your daughter” I cringe when she says that but I nod


“Deal” she says smiling and I think maybe I’ve been played, she walks back into the clubhouse smiling down at the kid

“You’re doin’ the right thing Brother” Blaze says and I turn lookin’ at them all and they all nod

“I need a fuckin’ drink” I say and walk back into the clubhouse.Chapter Twenty-OneDove

As I walk back into the clubhouse I feel a sense of relief, not that living with Socket is going to be easy but for once I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to eat or worry that the electric is going to be turned off or the water. As I sit down back out with all the girls there all smiling “You played that well” Lilly says and I look at her

“How so?” I ask a little defensive but she smile holding up her hands

“Don’t worry Dove, we love that, you’ve gotten Socket to come back to life, he’s been so miserable since Jewel left him and I think that’s the first time that I’ve seen him fight for something”

“What do you mean?”

“He never really cared when him and Jewel had a fight but with you he’s got a spark in his eye, it’s nice to see the old Socket” Niya says and I look down at Wiley

“Do you think she brings it out in him now he knows he has a daughter” they all shake their head

“No Dove, it’s not Wiley, it’s you” Zoey says and I shake my head there crazy

“Socket hates me” I tell them and they all laugh

“Honey, he does not hate you, trust us on that” Maggie says

“Yes, he dose” I tell them but they all smile